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Parasites [ANIME]


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Parasite Discharge

Normal Spell


Special Summon 1 "Parasite Fusioner" from your hand or Deck.




Parasite Plant

Continuous Spell


Activate this card by targeting 1 monster on the field equipped with "Parasite Fusioner" and 1 "Parasite Fusioner" you control; send them to the Graveyard, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "Parasite Queen" from your Extra Deck (this Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon), and if you do, it is unaffected by your opponent's monster effects, also equip all "Parasite Fusioner" in the Graveyards to the Special Summoned monster. Once per turn: You can target 1 "Parasite Queen" on the field; equip 1 "Parasite Fusioner" from your Deck to that monster, and if you do, take control of it.




Parasite Queen

Level 8 Unknown Attribute and Type Fusion

1800 / ???


This card gains 300 ATK for each "Parasite Fusioner" on the field. All monsters on the field, except "Parasite Queen", lose 800 ATK for each "Parasite Fusioner" equipped to them. When an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can equip 1 "Parasite Fusioner" that is equipped to this card to that opponent's monster.




Parasite Generator

Continuous Trap


Activate this card during a turn in which a "Parasite" monster was Normal or Special Summoned. "Parasite" monsters on the field cannot be destroyed by cards effects, also 1 "Parasite Fusioner" on the field is treated as 2. Once per turn: You can Special Summon 1 "Parasite Fusioner" from your Deck, then Special Summons as many "Parasite Fusioner" from the Graveyard(s) as possible.




Parasite Magic

Normal Trap


If you control a "Parasite" monster: Target 1 Spell Card in either player's Graveyard; take control of that card, and if you do, activate it.




Power Parasite

Normal Trap


Target 1 monster you control; equip 1 "Parasite Fusioner" from your Graveyard to that monster as an Equip Spell Card with this effect.

● The equipped monster gains 300 ATK.




Parasitic Maneuver

Quick-Play Spell


Target 1 "Parasite" monster you control; it can make a second attack during each Battle Phase this turn.




Double Parasitic Rebirth

Normal Spell


Target 1 monster on the field; equip 2 "Parasite Fusioner" from either Graveyard to that monster. The targeted monster's controller takes control of the Equip Cards equipped by this effect.

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Discharge = Brings out Parasite Fusioner, I'm surprise they used Katerpillar in the artwork, that's cool!


Plant = Kinda similar to the continuous Spell from Gem Knights, but with dumbest requirements (using PF and 1 Monster equipped with PF on the field). ATK boost seems nice, but the protection still not enough.


Since a level 8 fusion with a terrible 1800 ATK, still can't judge the Queen, until they reveal her effects in next week. But btw, I like the design of her.

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I wish some of these also supported Parasite Paracide, because it's cool. Regardless, I'm pretty hyped for these, as it's more things for the Insect-Type. Hopefully they'll get a release in Fusion Enforcers, which seems likely if Wind Witch - Crystal Bell comes in RATE.


Parasite Discharge is very, very, nice. Helps make Starv(ing)e Venom, as well as a variety of much older Fusion Monsters, and you are free to use Parasite as just a Level 1 monster if you want to.

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Wait wait wait....


They actually used:




In the artwork of Discharge? That's actually pretty cool; Kattapillar is old as hell.

It's weird that they used Katapillar in the art, but cool at the same time


Hopefully they'll get a release in Fusion Enforcers, which seems likely if Wind Witch - Crystal Bell comes in RATE.

Yeah, I suspect these will be in Fusion Enforcers as well.

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Now that I look at her in the anime, Parasite Queen is kinda similar to Insect Queen in design.

And has similar crappy ATK manipulation effects, its only saving grace is the fusion spell that can summon her ... then again it is still not enough in the slightest. To be honest I do not care about any of these, except for discharge, which is really solid.
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