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Neos Deck-Poke's version


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Monster(21) (5 extra fusion monsters)

neo-spacian dark panther x1

neo-spacian air hummingbird x1

neo-spacian aqua dolphin x1

penguin soldier x1

neo-spacian flare scarab x1

elemental hero neos x2

des koala x1

dark magician girl x1

exiled force x1

sangan x1

elemental hero bubbleman x1

winged kuriboh x1

cyber esper x1

granmarg the rock monarch x1

marshmallon x1

elemental hero stratos x1

king of the swamp x1

neo-spacian glow moss x1

elemental hero neos alius x1

chiron the mage x1

Fusion monsters:

elemental hero dark neos x1

elemental hero aqua neos x1

elemental hero air neos x1

elemental hero chaos neos x1

elemental hero grand neos x1



graceful charity x1

premature burial x1

shield crush x1

tribute to the doomed x1

double summon x1

swing of memories x1

heavy storm x1

mist body x1

fissure x1

R-rightous justice x1



call of the haunted x1

sinister seeds x1

karma cut x2

dark mirror forcex1

negate attack x1

rope of life x1

birthright x1

hero spirit x1

trap hole x1

draining shield x1

shadow spell x1


comment plz

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The only Neo-Spacian Monsters you should use are Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab, Neo-Spacian Grand Mole, and Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird.


Why aren't you using Snipe Hunter, Armor Breaker, and Reinforcments of the Army?


Graceful Charity is banned.

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depends how you use them and i found out recently that my deck could also be a staller i won a duel be contact fusing and then sending the cards to the deck like it says.


EDIT: i know i dont use this deck in tournaments...gosh i use my 6 samurai but its not done right now so i cant post it

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Lol at Skyblade telling people to use Flare Scarab. Flare Scarab is so bad it makes the other Neo Spacians look good. And don't use Neo Spacians, they suck.


Also, to be absolutely frank, there is a difference between a badly constructed deck and a well constructed deck with limited potential. This is a badly constructed deck. I admit I am dubious as to the success of your Six Samurai deck in tournaments. Or at least your success with it, there is always net-decking.

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its good


No it's not.


I don't have some huge problem with people posting bad decks. You learn through criticism. You can't be criticized without putting your deck up for display, but I do have a problem with people just posting to increase their post count or whatever their reason is. I could bet you didn't even look at the deck.

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and i have a problem with double posters.....fine think what you want... tell that to my first place winnings.


1) He didn't double post. The guy in between just deleted it.

2) First place winnings. Riiiiight. Not with the deck I'm looking at right now.

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Lol at Skyblade telling people to use Flare Scarab. Flare Scarab is so bad it makes the other Neo Spacians look good. And don't use Neo Spacians' date=' they suck.


Also, to be absolutely frank, there is a difference between a badly constructed deck and a well constructed deck with limited potential. This is a badly constructed deck. I admit I am dubious as to the success of your Six Samurai deck in tournaments. Or at least your success with it, there is always net-decking.



even worse than glow moss? scarab is just weak moss is weak and gives your opponent +1 each turn

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dude your playing it all wrong, the only neo-spacian decks that slightly work all have common soul in, fake hero, stratos, Ancient Rules ect. so basically i recommend that you rebuild ur neo spacian deck like this.


3| Elemental hero neos


3| neo-spacian dark panther

1| neo-spacian air hummingbird

1| neo-spacian Grand Mole

1| neo-spacian aqua dolphin

1| neo-spacian flare scarab


1| Rescue Cat

1| Elemental Hero Stratos

1| Treeborn Frog

3| Elemental Hero Neos Alius


3| Shrink

1| Smashing Ground

1| Heavy Storm

2| Neo Space

3| E - Emergency Call

2| O - Oversoul

3| Common Soul

3| Fake Hero

1| Ancient Rules

1| Monster Reborn

1| Premature Burial


3| Solem Judgment

1| Torrential tribute


plus fusions

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