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Cyber Tutubon

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Level 5
(1) You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by tributing a Warrior-Type or Fairy-Type monster in your hand or that you control.
(2) If this card is tributed for a Ritual Summon: you can target 1 Ritual Spell Card in your Graveyard; add it to your hand.


New Ritual spell working with warriors makes sense now I guess

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This would be neat for Brilliant Fusion variants and/or back when Super Quantums were in their prime but usually R5 has limited applications now. It doesn't synergize with the other Cyber Angels either so it's just independent Asuka support with a mediocre Ritual Spell retrieval effect.

As far as it goes I'd argue Shark Fortress and Durendal alone give r5 quite a few useful applications

As for Cyber Angel synergy, you can Tribute Benten/Idaten without using a Ritual Spell.

Card is pretty neat TBH just for being relatively easy r5 material. No standout uses for now that I'm aware besides aforementioned Tributing Benten plays, but grave setup pretty nice.

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Just think of it like a spell card in Cyber Angel, at least in the hand. It's unsearchable like a semi/generic spell.


It's a "spell" that summons an 18/16 by tributing a warrior or fairy from hand/field.


This is a reasonable amount of bulk, even with the mediocre level, when you consider that it procs Benten and Idaten, as mentioned earlier, and it does work with level 5 Angel/Seraphinite. 5+2=7, so it works with Cyber Petit Angel. This and Seraphinite drops "matchup dependent GG", as well.


It's certainly not a bad card, just remains to be seen if it's worth it.


I also find it funny that this can be run in Madols. Shame it isn't LIGHT for them.

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Would it be useful in a Black Luster Soldier deck to Tribute Arisen and Charging Gaia and act as Ritual fodder? The Level obviously doesn't help it though there seeing as Super Soldier Ritual requires exactly 8



in BLS you need to be making 8 all the time.

It probably could work, actually. Pre-Prep alone makes a very good case for running OG Black Luster and his Spell over the new stuff, and in those you can basically treat Tutubon as a level 4. That being said running the Gaias themselves frequently leads to pretty depressing results, and there's not too much else that benefits from the Tribute, so maybe not.


I also find it funny that this can be run in Madols. Shame it isn't LIGHT for them.

Isn't EARTH better to make a la Mode anyways? You have plenty other LIGHTs for Seraphinite.

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Honestly, this is the kind of card that gets inherently better as more and more things are released. Even if it's not applicable currently, it will find a use in something eventually. I'd view it similar to something like Trump Girl, essentially a "spell" as a monster due to how it basically creates and extends plays despite not really doing much as a monster per se. Keep an eye on this people, it will only get better with age.

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