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[RATE] Ancient Gear Chaos Giant


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An amazing boss monster ... however the main deck ... is less than ideal (with only a few decent targets for this card (dog, wyvern, reactor ... not much else the only real target for box is gadget and drawing that is unpleasant)).

mm yeah I'll second that there need to be more AGs that are searchable by Box.

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If you were to use Effect Veiler, I imagine then you could in theory shut it down with something like Ghost of a Grudge or Fiendish Chain for example? Either way, no matter what it is able to do for protecting itself, like essentially any card, there are ways to stop it. 



It is very strong. I can't dey that. It almost seems a bit overkill, or if you were to push for game.

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Something to keep in is that one of the best possible openings in AGs is Catapult+Geartown.


Most builds that aim to summon AGCG will usually resort to the above combo, since 3 card combos are inefficient. Since the 2 card combo will be a constant (due to.meeting requirements such as using Wyvern to turn 1 card into 3 + boarding Hunting Hound without using your normal summon), running cards like Machine Dupe seems wrong (you need another normal summon to field Hunting Hound and Dupe + Gadget is a 2 card combo with maindeck concessions; 2 gadgets that are awful to draw by virtue of being normal summons/diminish the power of dupe via hand size when drawn)


The deck already has 3 card combos to field AGCG such as Catapult + Hunting Hound + Fortress with fewer makndeck concessions.

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I re-read the effect and the "While this card is in a Monster Zone..." clause caught my attention. Sure, it doesn't hurt to have the specification, but why did they bother with it? It should be intuitive that the protection effect wouldn't apply if the card is not on the board as a monster. It's as if they foresaw or plan for the card to become an Equip card or otherwise end up in a Zone different to a Monster Zone too often and decided to preemptively print the effect with such clause to avoid any ruling confusions.

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I would assume so, but you can never really be certain. Shuffling into the deck is already categorized as its own weird thing a la Battle Fader ruling


Which ruling are you referring to?


I re-read the effect and the "While this card is in a Monster Zone..." clause caught my attention. Sure, it doesn't hurt to have the specification, but why did they bother with it? It should be intuitive that the protection effect wouldn't apply if the card is not on the board as a monster. It's as if they foresaw or plan for the card to become an Equip card or otherwise end up in a Zone different to a Monster Zone too often and decided to preemptively print the effect with such clause to avoid any ruling confusions.


Continuous Effects in an OCG card's text will typically state "While this card is in the Monster Zone." Remember that you are reading a fan translation.


The wiki's translation that is more accurate to PSCT: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_Gear_Chaos_Giant

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Continuous Effects in an OCG card's text will typically state "While this card is in the Monster Zone." Remember that you are reading a fan translation.


The wiki's translation that is more accurate to PSCT: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_Gear_Chaos_Giant


Oh right, this is still a fan translation, and based on OCG's card text. Yeah, the text on the wiki looks more accurate for TCG.

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I considered the possibility, but concluded that A Wild Monster Appears sets the "shuffle it into the Deck" lingering effect when you're resolving the Special Summon, so at the time, Vennominaga's immunity is not active, because it wasn't on the Field when that lingering effect was applied to it.


Power Bond is simpler, because it modifies ATK value based on original ATK, which can only feasibly apply when the monster is on the Field as a monster.


I had gone off an outdated ruling on Wiki with my earlier comment, specifically, the interaction of "Non-Spellcasting Area" and Power Bond (with a non-Effect Machine). It says that since the Summoned Monster is immune to Spells, it won't get the buff, but you'll still get burned.


The part that's out of date is the bit about the burn. You WONT get burned if you Summon this with Power Bond, because Power Bond burns by how much ATK you gained, which will be 0, because this is immune to Spells.


This is inaccurate. (well, I suppose thats why its out of date :x)


Non-Spellcasting Area is already applying. AG Chaos Giant will not start applying until after Power Bond fully resolves, not that this matters anyways, because PSCT Power Bond indicates that the Fusion Summon and Power Increase are simultaneous effects anyway, so even if the above were not true, it wouldn't have time to apply anyway.

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A pretty damn powerful card with all the necessary buffs for the OCG debut. The loophole for having it be affected by monsters should be meaningless considering if you summon this, you're already supposed to win.


The problem is that I hope they release other Ancient Gears other ways to intrinsically spamming its members other than Machine Dupe. There's a basis with the Level 2 Gears but it's pretty weak in power, the R2s have loose application in supporting Gear resources, and Gadget alone can't do the job. And other than this and Ulti Golem, this is most likely your win con aside from slow burns and beatdowns.

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Everyone saying that Gadgets would be dead draws: you seem to be forgetting Gold and Silver Gadgets. They allow you to make Gear Gigant X (and other R4NKs) while getting the search off Wyvern. Sure, you don't get the searches when you dupe AG Gadget like you would if you used R/G/Y, but I thought the problem was that they were dead in hand anyway. (Along with taking power from duping AG Gadget).

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Everyone saying that Gadgets would be dead draws: you seem to be forgetting Gold and Silver Gadgets. They allow you to make Gear Gigant X (and other R4NKs) while getting the search off Wyvern. Sure, you don't get the searches when you dupe AG Gadget like you would if you used R/G/Y, but I thought the problem was that they were dead in hand anyway. (Along with taking power from duping AG Gadget).

nah, most of us know. Dupe is still a really bad dead draw that works with a 0-1 card, and there's no absurd value without the mediocre gadgets.
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Given that the cover is not, as I predicted, Parasite!Odd-Eyes (I was still right about Odd-Eyes, so ha ark), I doubt that the Wind Witch fusion is in this set. 


There are 2 spots that are perfect for the Lyrical Luscinia maindeck monsters, so it seems logical to assume they're in/the fusions are not.


I'd be more willign to bet that Parasite Fusioner and any Fusions associated with it (likely 1 more soon?) will be printed in Fusion Enforcers.


I'd also expect to see the Dog Fusions in Fusion Enforcers, but not as confidently.

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Er, whoops, did not know Tutubon took a Luscinia spot, so no rurigirls. Guess it could be winter but eh

If you don't mind me asking.


Can you or someone else here explain to me how to know what slots are for what cards? Is it process of elimination or some other method I don't know of.


I feel blind when it comes to leaks/reveals but it seems you and a lot of others seem to kinda "know" what's going to be in the spots.

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If you don't mind me asking.


Can you or someone else here explain to me how to know what slots are for what cards? Is it process of elimination or some other method I don't know of.


I feel blind when it comes to leaks/reveals but it seems you and a lot of others seem to kinda "know" what's going to be in the spots.

The set order has gone as such, for Arc-V Era:


(Piece of Advice - Use "Invasion: Vengeance" as a guide while reading this)


1. Non-DT/DS Normal Monsters

These can be tuners (Dragon Core Accursed), Pendulums (Foucalt's Cannon, Flash Knight), etc.


2. Anime Normal/Effect/Pendulum Monsters

This is pretty clear. If the monster is from the anime (Hunting Hound, Performapals, Wind Witches, etc.), then it fits in this area. Generally finishes within the first 20 cards, but not guaranteed.


Yuya is always the highest possible anime slot, with, I believe, Yuzu being second highest... Well, sorta. Yuya/Yugo/Yuto/Yuri are the highest 4 slots, while Yuzu/Serena/Ruri/Rin are the next 4.


Not sure what the exact order of each boy and girl is.


For Yuya, it seems Magicians precede Performapals, at that. As seen in DUEA, Odd-Eyes comes before Performapal, but idk if it comes before or after Magician.


(NOTE: Acrobatic Magician comes after Ppals for... some reason? TDIL is the only set where this happens.)


Superheavy Samurai (Gong) follow immediately after them, with Fluffals/Raidraptors showing up after him, iirc.


And so on. Crow tends to be towards the end, as he came later, as do Alexis and Kaito. Curiously, Alexis seems to come before Kaito, presumably due to being from GX. See: Cipher Etranger coming after Cyber Tutubon.


Sawatari cards (Yosen that he used, Abyss Actors) seem to be after Shun.


For some reason, the Ancient Gear cards used by Obelisk Force seem to be located post-everyone. There are 0-1 slots after Hunting Hound in this set, which is due to the Dracostory archetype. But first...


3. Legacy Support:

Between 905 and 909, we got legacy support archetypes. Set order goes:


  1. Dark Magician (909)
  2. Blue-Eyes (908)
  3. Buster Blader (907)
  4. BLS (906)
  5. Red-Eyes (905)

... In theory. However, Legacy Supports' second wave is placed after the newest "Third Archetype", but before older DS/DT/"Third Archetype" cards that are being supported.


4. Duel Terminal/Dracostory Normal/Effect/Pendulum Monsters




In this set, newer archetypes always come before older ones.


This means that the order of placement for DT archetypes is:

  1. Zefra* (904)
  2. Nekroz (The Secret Forces)
  3. Ritual Beast (The Secret Forces)
  4. Infernoid** (903)
  5. Qli (902)
  6. Tellar (901)
  7. Shadoll (901)
  8. Yang Zing (901)

*Zefra has a sub-set order, too. Tellarknights before Shaddoll before Yang Zing before Nekroz before Ritual Beast. This is 2 chunks in their correct order, but if they were placed in the set as their own archetypes, Nekroz and RB would be before Tellar/Doll/YZ.

**It's a little blurry where Infernoids fall, whetehr before or after Nekroz/Ritual Beast. Technically released before in the OCG, so placed them after. This set is rumored to have 'Noid support, so we'll see where it falls in relation to Winda.


Dracostory Setup is:

  1. New archetype
  2. Dracoslayer or Dracoverlord (905-909, so far)
  3. Dracoruler (909-910, so far)
  4. Old archetypes

The actual order of Dracostory decks thus far is:

  1. the Zodiac Beast Deck? (911)
  2. Crystron (910)
  3. Metalfoe (909)
  4. Amorphage (908)
  5. Dinomist (907)
  6. Majespecter (906)
  7. Igknight (905)

... Again, in theory. Similarly to the Legacy Stuff, the decks from 905-908 seem to be shoved underneath the newest "Third Archetype", but before older Duel Terminal/Dracostory/"Third archetype" stuff.


4. "Third Archetype" Monsters:


After all of the above, we have the unsorted archetypes, from 905 through 911 and beyond!


These also contain some decks that you wouldn't expect, but they make sense.


In order, thus far:

  1. Espirit (911)
  2. Darklord (Destiny Soldiers)
  3. Chemical Beast (910)
  4. Tramid (909)
  5. Digital Bug (908)
  6. Super Quant (Wing Raiders)
  7. Shiranui (907)
  8. PSY-Frame (High-Speed Riders)
  9. Graydle (906)
  10. Aroma (905)

5. Generic Monsters:




Granted, Toons also get thrown in here.


lather/rinse/repeat for ED monsters, Spells, and Traps.

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