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2 Woof

2 A

1 Garoth

1 Shirayuki

1 Stick

3 Raiden

2 Lyla

1 Tricklown

2 B

2 C

2 Felix

2 Honest

2 Chair

3 Lumina


2 Lazuli


3 Recharge

3 Instant Norden

1 Foolish

2 Charge

1 Spicy Tech Ritual

3 BriFu



1 Seraphinite

1 Norden

1 Crystal Wing

2 Omega

1 5Ds hype

1 Michael

1 Ouroborouborouborouborouborourboroubus

1 Leviair (GONE RANK 4)

1 Castel

1 Minerva, Dragon of the Price Barrier

1 Tsukoyomi

1 Emeral

1 Leviair


This deck is really good. Shirayuki is the best card ever 10/10 broken op ban but don't actually ban because I want to use it. Wins so many games in one way or another, and actually this paragraph is going to be devoted to her. Banish stuff like Norden/Lumina for summon to set up for Amaterasu/Leviair and further extend turns. The Book of Moon on summon is so funking useful too, disrupt your opponent's plays/block attacks/force Treatoad/Quasar/Infinity/Kozmo pilots/whatever. And on top of that it's an 1850 body which is huge for a monster you just recur 2/3 times in a turn for essentially free.


There are 43 other cards in the main deck that I should cover. ABCs are there because mill and Dragon is amazing. Disruption/removal/tag out for rank 4s. Stick/Chair because getting any 2 in hand is good and Stick/Chair is broken op next level meta, plus you can banish milled Stick off Shirayuki revive with Amaterasu trigger Chair in hand and whew. Norden revive Stick trigger Chair too also relevant since you get a draw and a pop and a draw all for a mere 1000 life points.


The Lightsworns do Lightsworn things, Tricklown is a free level 4 and most common BriFu pitch early since it's half a Minerva before using either normal. Maxx C is Maxx C and GUB is a free tuner for Crystal Wing off Michael primarily. Considering Jet Synchron in its place since it can be recycled with Omega but nyeh. Machine Angel Ritual is nice for protecting (pretty much) everything. Metalfoes Fusion is the other option for that slot but I prefer this at the moment because there's enough draw and mill anyway. Also Lazuli with no vanillas because funk Garnet.


Extra is fairly self-explanatory, may drop the 2nd Omega for Trish because summoning 2 isn't exceptionally common. That concludes this overly long smh-tier justification for all this that nobody will read.

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