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[Written] Phantom Arms Guard Wolf


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Phantom Arms Guard Wolf

lv 4 LIGHT


You can equip this card (from your hand) to 1 monster you control. The equipped Monster gains 800 ATK and gains the following effect.

* Once per turn: this card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle.

When your opponents monster declares an attack, you can discard this card from your hand; negate that attack.

ATK/800 DEF/1200

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Negating an attack as a hand trap sounds like a nice idea, if it straight up ended the battle phase this card would be too powerful though, so thanks for not having it do that. The equip effect is decent, maybe helping a monster beat over something, and giving it some protection is nice. However, the effect should be worded like this: "Once per turn, this card cannot be destroyed by battle." It shouldn't be an effect that activates, so the colon shouldn't be used. However, you should replace that period after effect with a colon. Also, it should be a colon, not a comma after "attack".


Here's how it should be worded:

You can equip this card (from your hand) to 1 monster you control. The equipped monster gains 800 ATK and the following effect:

*Once per turn, this card cannot be destroyed by battle.

When an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can discard this card; negate the attack.


I took the wording from Slacker Magician and Swift Scarecrow.

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