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Ancient Gears [RATE]

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Opening Hand, Catapult+Town


Cata, pop town, summon 2 wyvern, add box, use box to add deskbot 3, summon db3, ss db1 from deck, sync into accel sync using DB1 and wyvern #1,  make accel lv 4, send jet sync, sync accel+db3 to summon karakuri shogan, ss komachi, sync 2nd wyvern+komachi to make 2nd shogun, summon barrel, overlay 2 shogun into #42, summon 4 token, sync barrel +token #1 into steel shogun, summon another barrel, sync token #2+barrel into steel shogun, summon another barrel, sync token #3 +barrel into third steel shogun, summon strategist, chain all three steel shogun, draw 3, use #42+1 steel shogun to make nt'ss, summon gearbox, use 2 steel shogun to make harbinger/felgrand, gearbox+strategist make third shogun, summon watchdog, overlay into watchdog/ntss into Dweller/Rafflesia or make stardust or something, discard 1, summon jet sync, synchro into crystal wing

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Opening Hand, Catapult+Town


Cata, pop town, summon 2 wyvern, add box, use box to add deskbot 3, summon db3, ss db1 from deck, sync into accel sync using DB1 and wyvern #1,  make accel lv 4, send jet sync, sync accel+db3 to summon karakuri shogan, ss komachi, sync 2nd wyvern+komachi to make 2nd shogun, summon barrel, overlay 2 shogun into #42, summon 4 token, sync barrel +token #1 into steel shogun, summon another barrel, sync token #2+barrel into steel shogun, summon another barrel, sync token #3 +barrel into third steel shogun, summon strategist, chain all three steel shogun, draw 3, use #42+1 steel shogun to make nt'ss, summon gearbox, use 2 steel shogun to make harbinger/felgrand, gearbox+strategist make third shogun, summon watchdog, overlay into watchdog/ntss into Dweller/Rafflesia or make stardust or something, discard 1, summon jet sync, synchro into crystal wing

Nice, you found another way of kicking off the Karakuri Shogun Loop. Just want you to know that when you said "summon 4 token" off #42, you meant 3 token. I like that use of Nt'ss though. That's not something I've seen before. The combo I was familiar with ended sooner than that and didn't quite leave such a killer field. I was thinking of making Ancient Gear Karakuri anyway.


Please note that the worst part about this combo is the requirement of having 3 Barrel in the deck. That, and remembering it.

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Nice, you found another way of kicking off the Karakuri Shogun Loop. Just want you to know that when you said "summon 4 token" off #42, you meant 3 token. I like that use of Nt'ss though. That's not something I've seen before. The combo I was familiar with ended sooner than that and didn't quite leave such a killer field. I was thinking of making Ancient Gear Karakuri anyway.


Please note that the worst part about this combo is the requirement of having 3 Barrel in the deck. That, and remembering it.

Any other lv2 karakuri?

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I still don't think they're totally out of the question.

i mean, the first time you said this, they most definitely were


catapult and wyvern are not enough to make a deck playable


hound dog + wyvern are what sell the deck, alongside devil/chaos giant... and the deck still doesn't seem like it's good competitively. We're surely getting more for them, but yeah.

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i mean, the first time you said this, they most definitely were


catapult and wyvern are not enough to make a deck playable


hound dog + wyvern are what sell the deck, alongside devil/chaos giant... and the deck still doesn't seem like it's good competitively. We're surely getting more for them, but yeah.

Call it favoritism then, but I think they could be a reasonable pick. They're fair, so they won't be oppressively impactful, I understand this, and they're not even close to guaranteed a top at anything, but they can go hard, fast, somewhat often, and I think that will draw people to them and cause at least a blip in the meta's win ratios.

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Call it favoritism then, but I think they could be a reasonable pick. They're fair, so they won't be oppressively impactful, I understand this, and they're not even close to guaranteed a top at anything, but they can go hard, fast, somewhat often, and I think that will draw people to them and cause at least a blip in the meta's win ratios.

They aren't really "fair". The deck has a really easy way of breaking setup boards that don't end in control cards, which immediately wins the game for them, meaning decks are encouraged to devote as little as possible against the deck, lest they get murdered. At the same time, not devoting means they Devil, which means you can't break through them as easily.


However, breaking through devil isn't as difficult as it looks on paper, because the deck has no room for trap cards at all, beyond maybe Raff teching.


But that's due to the fact that unfairness is reuired in a card game. Varying amounts appear, but a core part of picking a deck in a TCG is having a slight "unfair" edge to it. Not saying they're broken, just not fair, which is fine.


They go hard/fast only if you open decently, and even then, they're worst at it than D/D/D or Metalfoe. Infinitely.

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How are you supposed to be Chaos Giant? Well you'll need a quick-play monster removal to kill it in MP1...so


ABC Dragon Buster

Dark Destroyer

Spirit Dragon -> Moonrose




Yeh it sucks for control decks like Shaddolls or Nekroz, but the meta doesn't give a flying f*** about it


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