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Fluffal Octo [Fusion Enforcers]

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SPEF-JP014 Furnimal Octo / Fluffal Octo

Level 1 WATER Fairy-Type Effect Monster

ATK 800

DEF 800

You can only use the (1) and (2) effects of “Fluffal Octo” once per turn eachj.

(1) When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can target 1 “Fluffal” monster or “Edge Imp” monster in your Graveyard; add that monster to your hand.

(2) If this card is sent to the Graveyard due to being used as a Fusion Material for the Fusion Summon of a “Frightfur” Fusion Monster: You can target up to 2 of your banished monsters; return them to the Graveyard.

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It's so freaking cute omg


I like the first effect, not so much the second. I mean, I guess you can redo your Wings if you control another Vendor and can't be bothered to search for another Wings, and you can recycle your FF materials, but it's a bit too slow for my taste. At least it's generic.

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Ooh...this is very good. I haven't yet seen Kraken if that's been revealed, but this is excellent.


It adds any Fluffal or Edge Imp from the Graveyard to the hand when it's NS or SSed, which is wonderful for flexibility, and gives Fluffals a means to recover their Graveyard resources, meaning that they don't have to rely on things like Rabbit or similar, and it can cause amazing combos with stuff like Sheep. It's not even restricted to activating when Summoned from the hand, so while it HAS the synergy with Vendor, it can also be SSed from the Graveyard or similar to get the recovery.


And when used as Fusion Material, you can return 2 of you banished monsters (no restriction whatsoever) to the Graveyard, which can set up more plays with things like Fluffal Wings or Frightfur Fusion.


This card is excellent. Not a 3-of (space being so tight), but definitely worth running at least 1.

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