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YU-GI-OH: Tournament of the Evil Pharoh


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Here are the characters.



NAME: Evil Pharoh

AGE: 18

DECK: doom hero

BIO: nobody knows anything about him


NAME: Simba Zane

AGE: 13

DECK: justice hero

BIO: a young boy


NAME: Sarah Fefe

AGE: 13

DECK: angel

BIO: likes Simba Zane alot


NAME: Riko Carter

AGE: 13

DECK: legend of blue-eyes red dragon

BIO: a friend of Simba Zane


NAME: Jeff Wallace

AGE: 15

DECK: pyro

BIO: A good duelist


NAME: Kevin Wallace

AGE: 15

DECK: water

BIO: Jeff Wallace's twin brother



Episode 1: The Contest Begins


A hundred or more people was walking towards a palace and was entering a contest. "Dang there is alot of people" said Riko Carter. "Yeah I know" said Simba Zane. Then everybody stopped and a voice came out and said "Hello I'm Evil Pharoh and thank you for entering" then the voice faded. "Evil Pharoh who is he" asked Riko? "I don't know" said Simba. Then Sarah Fefe ran up. "Hey guys" she said. "Hey" said Riko. But Simba was trying to figure out who Evil Pharoh. "Simba" yelled Riko. "What" asked Simba? "Come on" said Sarah."Oh right sorry" said Simba. Then when everybody got in there a guy with a dark cape on came up. "Hello once again I'm Evil Pharoh and my servants will show you to your rooms" said the guy. Then when Simba got in a room with red walls and a bed and a bathroom and a shower he layed down. "Soft bed" said Simba to himself.


end episode 1


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K here is the next episode.



episode 2: Evil Pharoh vs Jeff part 1 of 2


Simba woke up because he heard banging. "Get up" said one of Evil Pharoh servants. Simba walked with the crowd. Then they saw a big dueling place. "Hello the first battle is me vs Jeff Wallace" said Evil Pharoh. Jeff walked up. "Okay you go first" said Evil Pharoh. "I'll draw a card then play Spellcaster Queen (1000\1000) now look at here effect each standby phrase I draw a card" said Jeff "then I'll end my turn. "I draw then play Dalk Elf Ritual so I tribute Doom Hero-Rain and Doom Hero-Thunder to play Doom Hero-Dark Elf (2000\2000) now attack his Spellcaster Queen with Dark Blast" yelled Evil Pharoh! "Now I have 3000 LP left now okay I draw then play Monster of the Dead in atk mode (0\0) now look at his effect for each card I discard he gains 500 atk points and def points so now I discard 3 cards (1500\1500) now put two cards face-down to end my turn" said Jeff. "I'll draw a card then play Polymerization to fuse my Doom Hero-Blade and Doom Hero-Lightning into Doom Hero-Lightning Blade (2300\2300) now look for each monster with Doom Hero in their names he gains another 300 atk (2600\2300) now Doom Hero-Dark Elf attack his Monster of the Dead then Doom Hero-Lightning Blade attack his LP" yelled Evil Pharoh! "Not so fast I play Attack Stop this let me pay 1000 LP to stop one or more attacks" said Jeff. "Fine" said Evil Pharoh.

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