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Destiny: Rise of Iron


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Private matches are finally here, and free. Only reason I'm ever coming back to the game, to be honest.

Way too flawed, poorly handled in year one, and still has enormous balancing issues. Some steps are in the right direction, but not only are they far too late, but a lot of them actually make it worse.

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  On 9/15/2016 at 9:40 PM, Shradow said:

That's a shame, but I wouldn't call vanilla Destiny a waste. I never owned my own copy until I bought the Collection for $60 which includes everything even a pre-order for RoI, which is definitely a good deal, but that's just me.

I mean considering they pitched a huge universe & epic adventure, and delivered 20 extremely repetitive missions, not really any story, maybe a baker's dozen of paper thin characters with no personality, and 1 raid for $60 at the time when I bought my copy, I was a little miffed. The base gameplay is great– the shooting, movement, etc. but everything around it was really poorly designed. I heard everything got better after the Taken King, but I already spent $60 on the game so I wasn't really willing to spend anything for more. Maybe Destiny 2 I guess, but it'd be far from a Day 1 purchase unless they stray far from their base game design in the sequel.


Also Bladedancer made Multiplayer really annoying for the first few months after release.

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Well if it's not Bladedancers, you've got Sunbreakers or Stormcallers, but those are small potatoes compared to most shotguns. But yeah, Taken King made everything way better, from the loot system to the story to just general QoL things, and most importantly they added a lot more Nathan Fillion.


The recent addition of private matches has been really fun, too. Now we have

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...to my knowledge, shotguns were never busted. Never have been, never will be. Got nerfed to hell despite that. Useless for ages. Meanwhile, Snipers never got properly nerfed (though, some of these recent nerfs seem okay), and Fusion Rifles were "buffed" (research showed that to be a lie) and left to rot for a year like shotguns.

Neither Sunbreakers nor Stormcallers were ever on the level of hell that was a Bladedancer. Was I the only one capable of killing a Sunbreaker? 


Taken King started piecing together a flawed game, and Destiny's balance team is still a complete bunch of idiots.

Maybe spend less time adding microtransactions and work on getting a good balance team and I'll give a damn.

Every single time I look at coming back, I read some patch notes, shake my head, and go back to something else.


Literally nothing but nerfs to things that didn't need it. Why Destiny can't properly buff something is beyond me. Though, after two years, some weapon perks will finally be slightly less useless, maybe! I guess. 


It makes me so mad because this game had so much potential. Enjoy RoI, but I'm going to pass on that.

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I'm not saying the Supers were ever a problem, I was just giving the other classes' equivalents to Bladedancer in terms of their PvP multikillling Supers to point out equality. The current meta is defintely noticeably shotgun-heavy due to the Sniper nerfs in the April Update, but it's by far not the worst we've had so whatever. For PvP Bungie really just needs to make primaries great again.


EDIT: Oh gosh, saw this on the Destiny subreddit, that's awesome.

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I'm looking at the database, and as a lover of the fast charge-rate fusion rifles, I couldn't help but notice this beauty: http://db.planetdestiny.com/items/view/958238921


Through this game I've had noteworthy fusion rifles; from The Calming in Vanilla/Crota's End, to the Split Shifter Pro in House of Wolves, to now the Long Far Gone in Taken King. All of these Fusion Rifles have/had great strengths and potential rolls to compliment their speediness, but each have had their shortcomings in what they can do. Usually with rifles like Long Far Gone or Split Shifter Pro, you're choosing between Accelerated Coils or the stability perks you need.


Not with The Branded Lord. The Branded Lord's roll tree is set up so it can do this:

Column 1: Perfect Balance, or Smallbore (god roll), or Braced Frame ((every perk you can get in this tree is good in some way, those three are possibly the best, but all of them are good for stability and range))


Column 2: Acclerated Coils ((Enhanced Battery or Lightweight if you can't get it))


Column 3: Hot Swap or Range Finder ((or Performance Bonus, a new perk. Randomly gives you reserve ammo for kills with it))


Simply put, if you can get Smallbore, Coils, and either of those main Column 3 perks; you have a godroll Branded Lord with 65 Range, 83 Stability, and the highest charge rate you can get on a Fusion Rifle. This is, frankly, AMAZING and out of the Fusion Rifles I've had that's just something I could only dream of getting. The Branded Lord has a single set of barrel options and can only be rolled with Void Damage, which tells me it's possibly a quest item or an Iron Banner weapon. More likely a quest reward.

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