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Digimon Universe Appli Monsters

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Plot According to Wikipedia

The story is set in a world where "Appmon" (shortened for "Appli Monsters"), artificially intelligent beings are born within mobile apps. The main protagonist is Haru Shinkai who gets an Appli Drive of his own and unlocks its ability to bring Appmon to life where he meets his partner Gatchmon. Together, they must restore the balance between the two worlds that was upset by the computer named Leviathan after it uses a virus to hack everyone's systems.


The anime is supposed to start airing October 1, 2016. I'm assuming this means the sub and not the dub. Honestly... the trailers look good, but that plot makes me not like this show that's supposed to be a part of the Digimon franchise. I'll keep my eye out for this and eventually watch the first episode before I decide full on whether or not I like it.


Thoughts? Comments? Hopes? Leave them below!

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This may just end up being the worst thing in Digimon or not depending on how its handled. We really cant determine whether this will be bad or not as of now. The premise of phone app digimon is really funking dumb but at the same time if the show is well written then it will obviously work.

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  On 9/14/2016 at 4:03 AM, Aintsmart said:

This may just end up being the worst thing in Digimon or not depending on how its handled. We really cant determine whether this will be bad or not as of now. The premise of phone app digimon is really f***ing dumb but at the same time if the show is well written then it will obviously work.

Exactly how I feel about the phone app digimon... judging from the trailers it seem pretty well written but... me being a Digimon Adventure 01 child I'm scared for this

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  On 9/19/2016 at 12:15 AM, Alastar Rainford said:

this looks somewhat promising. Digimon have always been coding in a program and if the series wants to advance and continue this might be one of few directions it can take.

While I agree with you, for some reason the fact that they are only in a phone app is kinda strange to me

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  On 9/20/2016 at 12:49 AM, D.A._Sakuyamon said:

It's been on my radar for several months. Thanks to the wonderful youtuber FoxyGamer. I don't know how I feel about it but as a fairly hardcore Digimon fan in general I'll definitely be watching it.


Pretty much my thoughts.


I'm a pretty open minded person so saying "I'll watch the first episode to see" would be a lie cause I know I'll watch the whole thing. They'd have to try pretty damn hard to ruin Digimon for me, Xros Wars is one of my top 3 favorite seasons even. But even then it's hard NOT to have mixed feelings about this. Judging from the game this has a Xros-like feel to it. No evolution in sight, but fusing based. And I do also get a Megaman Battle Network feel from it as well.


Very hard to say what I expect from this. We all know Digimon likes to try new things, but you still don't want to go too far from your roots. Probably the reason for the name "Digimon Universe" and not just "Digimon" is to, you know, say it's Digimon and not Digimon at the same time and supposed to be different. (can't word that any better, but you know what I mean).

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Subs are out. I like it ...


... What do you mean why? -Sigh-


[spoiler=Overall Jumbled Thoughts, still letting it all sink in]

Well I already knew it was going to be different so I wasn't really shocked by any of it. Protagonist is a Bookworm, slightly wimpy type, but a welcome change from the usual hot heads. And speaking of heads, he certainly uses his, and imo, makes him more appealing. But on with the episode.

Loved how direct it was. Get the Digimon, start the adventure. Wasn't too much explaining. Apparent villain with the mononym "L"? It obviously stands for Leviathan, but stylized L with always take me straight to Death Note. Guess that makes Haru Light....? *Bad theorycrafting engaged* But seriously tho, when they showed that L, I couldn't stop thinking about Death Note...


If I had one gripe, it would be the search for weakness thing. Seems a bit meh. Or maybe it was the fact of what the Digimon's Weakness was... That aside, I also found it pretty funny and even a little clever, like that Harry Potter reference (subtle or not) lol. And what kind of sick, cruel mother posts about his son's bet wetting?! i cri evrytiem...


Intro sounded very familiar, going to have to look up who did it. Overall it'd be a lie if I said I didn't like it, but a lot of people are comparing to Xros Wars part 3 (w/ Tagiru) and thus turns them off. Which is fine, I expected that. I would just like to get to episode 50 or whatever the last episode is w/o hearing stuff like "This series sucked, didn't see one damn Agumon. Trash. Digimon is dead."



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[spoiler=episode 1]

Interesting, but it's a good thing Messemon was a pushover or Gatchmon would've been toast. I mean, there's being a pussy, and then doing literally nothing but wetting your pants while another living being is getting the crap kicked out of it. That was the only thing that annoyed me, and I like that this series was fairly direct. I have pretty high hopes for it.


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[spoiler=Thoughts on episode 1]

The protagonist being a bookworm and a bit wimpy is certainly a welcome change, and it's interesting that he referred to himself as a side character, I liked that he was being honest about it.

Messemon wasn't what I was expecting in terms of first enemy of the series, but I don't mind tbph.




  On 10/2/2016 at 9:03 PM, asterr259 said:

[spoiler=Overall Jumbled Thoughts, still letting it all sink in]

And what kind of sick, cruel mother posts about his son's bet wetting?!




I know right, I was like "Who the funk would post something like that?"



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just watched Ep.2 and 3. And I dunno, I find this series pretty charming and funny.


[spoiler=Thoughts on 2]I seriously hope kids, or whoever is watching, really consider the GPS stuff. I kinda cringed when the kid GPS'd his way home. Felt like that's something you should kinda know, or at least your own neighborhood? I dunno, maybe I'm just being critical. I just remember missing stuff like the bus and just walked to where I wanted based on familiar stores, houses, etc - really learned my surroundings. A GPS can take you through some shady places just because it's the "shortest route".


I instantly fell in love with Cameramon when he walked through is his own cameras. I kinda feel like he belongs to Yuujin, he obviously knows something.



[spoiler=Thoughts on 3]Pointing out when a Digimon is CGI, I guess our fourth wall will occasionally shatter lol. Again, pointing out some relatable stuff. I have friends who constantly switch from game to game and try to get everyone playing the same thing when we're already enjoying one, even if it isn't popular.... Like Digimon Crusaders.... (Still waiting for that US release Digimon Linkz).


Minecraft and other references aside, I feel like Sukasimon is also a reference to something but I don't know lol. The seven code thing leaves a stale taste in my mouth, probably because it makes the series feel more similar to Xros Wars again. But one thing to notice is that on the Seven Codes Pad, each one is a letter, and in order spell out M-I-N-E-R-V-A. So the fusion of the seven will probably result in a Minervamon variation.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  On 10/27/2016 at 1:16 AM, Broke. N said:

After watching episode 4, I gotta say I find Haru perplexing... because he's somehow simultaneously holding the idiot ball and also throwing it away as hard as he can. It's uncanny really, in how he flip-flops from idiot to genius in a split-second.

How so? I never really gave it much thought considering he's a kid.


Regarding the last three episodes, I guess Yuujin isn't Cameramon's partner, but he's probably still connected to Leviathan somehow, or maybe not. I just see him as a Chaotic-Neutral or Double Agent type of character in the future. I was thinking that Eri was going to be a stereotypical tsundere, but I was pleasantly surprised by her character. I find her way more "perplexing" than Haru, but in a good way; I see depth in her character. I also thought Dokamon was going to be something of a Gabumon/Gaomon type character. Sorta wish I was right... but I'm glad every Appmon is quirky and that we're getting into the other chosen kids.


But are we really not going to investigate L Corp tho...? Like, seriously Gatchimon, all that searching and nothing?

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