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Pocket Monsters: Sun & Moon

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  On 12/1/2016 at 12:46 PM, ~British Soul~ said:

[spoiler=Thoughts on 5]

- We learn how Lana and Popplio met

- Milotic headbutting Ash in the crotch was hilarious

- funking Bewear running on water dude, way to hammer the nail on the coffin there.



Yeah, the dub guys might have to cut out that part. As for Bewear on the water, it may have to catch Jessie, James and Meowth while running around in circles on the water and then run back to shore.


As for this:


EP002 - XY140.


There should be a compilation of all the times Team Rocket Blasted off.

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Well, I'd point out what happened to Yuma and Gauche/Nistro in ZEXAL sometime in Season 2 (Yuma kicks latter in nuts, and 4Kids or whoever removed that scene from dub, from what I heard). The one with Ash/Milotic should be okay. 


Oh yeah, thoughts on 5 (do I still need to spoiler tag this?)



  • Well, we know how Lana and Popplio met. That works. 
  • Yeah, Ash got nailed in the nuts by a Milotic. (Lillie, you could've gotten a good 'mon)
    • Speaking of Milotic, let's see if Zex will trade me one of my breeding stuff. 
  • What the hell Bewear; you're running on water. Do not tell me you learned how to walk on water (sorry, partial Naruto stuff coming out)




Also 5 got subbed; sheesh, they're subbing this series, but not the remainder of XY; smh. 

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  On 12/2/2016 at 3:21 AM, Astro Dude said:

Has it ever happened before?

Not that I can remember at this moment in time.


On another note, I believe the egg in the episode on the 22nd will hatch into an Alola Vulpix that Lillie will take care of.

(Well there will be an Alola Vulpix event in Japan in January)

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Except Lillie is scared to death of touching pokemon. We'll see how that turns out.


Now for my 2 cents on


[spoiler Future Events]

  • Ash and his buddies will meet Ilima, whom Ash will want to battle. Ilima's Smeargle will prob have as its moveset Ember, Earthquake, BubbleBeam and Hyper Beam.
  • After beating Ilima, Ash will partake in his trial. Ilima will explain: "Here's how my trial works: In this cave, you will defeat three pokemon that will come out of those burrows. Once you do, show the results to the guide at the end of the cave. Your Rotomdex will keep track on how many you have beaten. Here's the catch: You are not allowed to catch any pokemon you beat. Once you prove to the guide you've beaten the pokemon, he will allow you entry. On the other side of the cave is a pedastal, and on that pedastal is Normalium-Z for your Z-Ring. To obtain it however, you must defeat the Totem pokemon. After that, the Z-crystal is yours."
  • Ash and co. will meet Hala and Hau.
  • Ash will battle Hala and win, earning him the Fightium-Z Z-crystal.
  • During class, people will be harassed by Team Skull and Plumeria, who will have her own Z-Ring and a Poisonium-Z Z-crystal.



That should do for now.

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Well she has to get over her fears eventually.

Also the episode description says that Principal Oak gives the egg for Ash and Lillie to look after.


This is how I think things will pan out;

[spoiler=My two cents]

Ash will eventually get a Pikanium Z and his Pikachu will have to re-learn Volt Tackle to use said Z-Move, and that'll be his main Z-Move that he'll use.

Yeah I do think things will pan out differently to the games regarding Z-Crystals imo.



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  On 12/2/2016 at 7:05 PM, ~British Soul~ said:

Well she has to get over her fears eventually.

Also the episode description says that Principal Oak gives the egg for Ash and Lillie to look after.


This is how I think things will pan out;

[spoiler=My two cents]

Ash will eventually get a Pikanium Z and his Pikachu will have to re-learn Volt Tackle to use said Z-Move, and that'll be his main Z-Move that he'll use.

Yeah I do think things will pan out differently to the games regarding Z-Crystals imo.



Oh boy, it's gonna be one of THOSE episodes.


If you wish to know what I'm talking about, please refer to the Egg Sitting trope.


And if Ash and Lillie are gonna be partners for this project, then they will pair Mallow x Kiawe and Sophocles x Lana.

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  On 12/2/2016 at 8:01 PM, Astro Dude said:

Oh boy, it's gonna be one of THOSE episodes.


If you wish to know what I'm talking about, please refer to the Egg Sitting trope.


And if Ash and Lillie are gonna be partners for this project, then they will pair Mallow x Kiawe and Sophocles x Lana.

Depends on how many eggs there will be in that episode. Probs just the one I reckon.

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  On 12/2/2016 at 9:51 PM, ~British Soul~ said:

Lillie's backstory will probs be covered in a later episode I reckon.

Maybe so.


In dub news, tomorrow's the big day, the premiere of the Volcanion movie at 5 followed by a sneak peek of Pokemon the Series Sun and Moon after the movie. Brit already saw both so... yeah, not much to go on there... You'd think this would be a repeat of Gen 4 if Ash got both Rowlett and Litten?

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Yeah, he probably will get Litten in the next couple episodes (maybe after the one with Togedemaru, but likely not).



Right, and I technically saw the first episode dubbed (on Youtube), but yeah, I think I'll stick to the subbed anime after the voices.


Need to point this out, but they pronounced Kiawe's name wrong (it's kia-VEH, not kia-weh). The rules on how you pronounce the "w" in Hawaiian can be confusing at times (see spoiler), so suppose I can cut them a break this time. Though I will say that they should've at least learned to pronounce the word correctly or got outside help.



Because I live in the state Alola is based off of, I'm a bit more critical about how they pronounce words (partially because mandatory Hawaiian studies course [spelling counts] and a lot of the words in Hawaiian are used in everyday life).


As I mentioned above, I can cut them a break this time (because of the complexity in pronunciation), but if you're using words from Hawaiian (or any language), please learn to say them correctly. So for the rest of you, just remember to say it correctly.



Need to reference my notes from Hawaiian Studies about when the change for "W" occurs; I know my hometown has that change in pronunciation; that much is certain. State name has this change as well (if pronounced properly), but the current form is accepted.


I had been planning to write a pronunciation guide, but it's this part that would've been a pain, as there doesn't appear to be a set rule in when the change occurs. Everything else would've been easy to explain somewhat. I think I went into detail about it in the games thread.



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Well, we went from him being the runner-up of the Kalos league to attending school in Alola and doing the island trials (presumably). If anything, you can probably blame the competition from YO-KAI Watch that forced them to use this new theme. 


(Appeal more to the new generation of kids, as opposed to those of us who grew up with Kanto/Johto; read: most of us here)

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  On 12/5/2016 at 4:06 AM, Sakura Haruno said:

Well, we went from him being the runner-up of the Kalos league to attending school in Alola and doing the island trials (presumably). If anything, you can probably blame the competition from YO-KAI Watch that forced them to use this new theme. 


(Appeal more to the new generation of kids, as opposed to those of us who grew up with Kanto/Johto; read: most of us here)

Like me.


Also, For the Volcanion movie, I think Volcanion itself is voiced by Mike Pollock, and the female hunter is voiced by Laura Bailey, my opinion of course. But we may need more info. Also, You think Lana is voiced by Dawn?

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  On 12/5/2016 at 4:06 AM, Sakura Haruno said:

Well, we went from him being the runner-up of the Kalos league to attending school in Alola and doing the island trials (presumably). If anything, you can probably blame the competition from YO-KAI Watch that forced them to use this new theme. 

Which as we've established already is understandable given the ratings for XY. (Something you might've forgotten to add in response)

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Yeah, I temporarily forgot that XY had low ratings in Japan (I know I said something about it earlier on in this thread) and that prompted the change. Little kids didn't feel they could relate to XY Ash; series felt more geared towards our generation (development of AmourShipping, Ash looking like he's 15-16 and otherwise the best he's been in terms of battle) and less on him actually looking like a 5th grader for the newer crowd. 


(Come to think of it, how did western viewers see XY as a whole? A lot of us here enjoyed it, but like Japan, maybe there were some kids who couldn't connect with Ash like we did.)



As a whole, Sun/Moon is fine though (on the subbed side). 

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  On 12/7/2016 at 12:11 AM, Astro Dude said:

Must be why they wanted to wrap it up as quickly as possible.

I don't think that was the reason though. The writers weren't to know when the episodes were written.


EDIT: new episode title

Episode 952: The Totem Pokémon is Gumshoos (January 5th)


This episode features Ash doing his first trial and will follow a 1-week break over the festive period/new years.

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New episode came out today: Also, a little Easter egg: if you guys notice Ash's shirt at the start of the episode, you will see a strange blob like thing with eyes. This strange blob thing is hand-drawn version of the sprite of certain water pokemon from the pokemon team selection screen from Gen 1.


Notice this video at exactly 5:38


Then notice the pattern on Ash's shirt at the start of the episode.


Mind: Blown.


[spoiler and really Bewear]

Let's review:

  • You break trees with your arms and legs.
  • You can run on water
  • You jan jump onto tall buildings.

It's official. You're Superman.



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