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Pocket Monsters: Sun & Moon

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  On 9/12/2016 at 6:31 PM, Astro Dude said:

[spoiler=I will let this go]

Well, I guess it's too late, but Brit, when 8th gen anime is out, and I start it, no one locks it, it's only right. You had XY, so I figured it was my turn to start up the sun and moon thread.




Anyway, I don't see Serena, so she won't be coming along. Shame too, considering she had 4 votes to go with Ash to Alola in my poll, beating Mallow or someone else.


Second, his traveling companion. Judging by the pic he may have three: the island chiefs.


You think Ash will have all three starters this time around?


Also, Ash's hair may be shorter but I doubt he's getting younger. If he were 9 he would not be on this journey.

You can't call dibs on a thread. That just isn't how it works Astro. Not to mention that won't be for at least 3 years, who knows what the forum will look like by then.


I wouldn't write her off just yet. I mean, if Serena keeps traveling with Ash that would be a big deal so they wouldn't show it in the first promo image. This doesn't help her chances though.


Would be REALLY weird for them to be his companions since they seem to be like the Gym leaders for the region and having all of the known ones travel with him would be.........different. Though that does tie into the whole school thing possibly totally changing how things are done.


I'd prefer if Ash didn't get all 3. While the starters are some of the central new Pokemon, I'd prefer Ash's team be used to spotlight more of the new Pokemon than the starters.


I'm not sure if its shorter, its styled different, or just the art is making it look different.


  On 9/12/2016 at 6:48 PM, ~British Soul~ said:

Yeah, there have been a number of shonen elements that was present in XY. Speaking of which, protags having doofy grins have been present in many shonen anime. (Which again some people picked up on over on the Serebii forums)

Doofy shonen grin is a trope, sure, but this just looks dumber for some reason. Again, might be the posing. Might also be because those grins normally have a context, which this really doesn't.

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  On 9/12/2016 at 7:07 PM, Flame Dragon said:

You can't call dibs on a thread. That just isn't how it works Astro. Not to mention that won't be for at least 3 years, who knows what the forum will look like by then.


I wouldn't write her off just yet. I mean, if Serena keeps traveling with Ash that would be a big deal so they wouldn't show it in the first promo image. This doesn't help her chances though.


Would be REALLY weird for them to be his companions since they seem to be like the Gym leaders for the region and having all of the known ones travel with him would be.........different. Though that does tie into the whole school thing possibly totally changing how things are done.


I'd prefer if Ash didn't get all 3. While the starters are some of the central new Pokemon, I'd prefer Ash's team be used to spotlight more of the new Pokemon than the starters.


I'm not sure if its shorter, its styled different, or just the art is making it look different.



Doofy shonen grin is a trope, sure, but this just looks dumber for some reason. Again, might be the posing. Might also be because those grins normally have a context, which this really doesn't.

And the legendary Ash will see? Hmmm... maybe it will be UB01 falling behind a bush and Ash finds Lillia instead.

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If anything, he'll see Tapu Koko first. Whilst it's not a legend, it is a guardian deity and Tapu Koko was specifically mentioned in the info we got.


  On 9/12/2016 at 7:07 PM, Flame Dragon said:

Doofy shonen grin is a trope, sure, but this just looks dumber for some reason. Again, might be the posing. Might also be because those grins normally have a context, which this really doesn't.

Yeah, it does look dumber and the pose doesn't help either. I also think he's grinning like that for the sake of it.

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  On 9/12/2016 at 7:21 PM, Astro Dude said:

And the legendary Ash will see? Hmmm... maybe it will be UB01 falling behind a bush and Ash finds Lillia instead.


Poster says he'll me Tapu Koko. UB-01 would be interesting to see this early though.


  On 9/12/2016 at 7:22 PM, ~British Soul~ said:

Yeah, it does look dumber and the pose doesn't help either. I also think he's grinning like that for the sake of it.

Nothing wrong with being happy. Still, poster looks off.



Also, on the note of companions, I do find it interesting that this poster doesn't really feature them. Mallow would be the most likely based on its formatting, but compared to the last 10 years worth (going back to DP) the main characters are always made super obvious. Not to mention the female player character isn't featured at all. Neither is the rival for that matter.

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Might be because I'm looking for a silver lining. Might be because the blowback from this has been pretty big but I'm finding myself more and more willing t defend this doofy promo image.


Honestly, I think the crux of it is 3 points. First, the region is made of 4 islands, they aren't going not have Ash explore them. What ever it means by school, it isn't conventional. Second, graduate can mean anything. The most likely thing is do the 8 island challenges and than fight a final opponent, most likely what ever the champion analog the game has. Or the anime can have something very similar to the league. Lastly, Ash looks goofy in the image, but he is still a kid. Not to mention, I'm not sure how they'd have him doing a Z move pose without him looking goofy. Not to mention him having a Z-Bracelt thing should count for something.

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  On 9/12/2016 at 11:13 PM, Flame Dragon said:

Might be because I'm looking for a silver lining. Might be because the blowback from this has been pretty big but I'm finding myself more and more willing t defend this doofy promo image.


Honestly, I think the crux of it is 3 points. First, the region is made of 4 islands, they aren't going not have Ash explore them. What ever it means by school, it isn't conventional. Second, graduate can mean anything. The most likely thing is do the 8 island challenges and than fight a final opponent, most likely what ever the champion analog the game has. Or the anime can have something very similar to the league. Lastly, Ash looks goofy in the image, but he is still a kid. Not to mention, I'm not sure how they'd have him doing a Z move pose without him looking goofy. Not to mention him having a Z-Bracelet thing should count for something.

You are aware that's a double negative, right?


Anyway, I think I know how the anime will start:


After returning from Kalos, Ash meets a weird version of Prof Oak. It is actually Samson Oak, Prof. Oak's cousin, and he and Prof Oak and Ash's Mom talk about the Alola region, And Ash goes off on a new journey.


I'm gonna miss the drag the flirt!

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  On 9/13/2016 at 12:52 AM, Astro Dude said:

You are aware that's a double negative, right?


Anyway, I think I know how the anime will start:


After returning from Kalos, Ash meets a weird version of Prof Oak. It is actually Samson Oak, Prof. Oak's cousin, and he and Prof Oak and Ash's Mom talk about the Alola region, And Ash goes off on a new journey.


I'm gonna miss the drag the flirt!

Double negatives are grammatically correct. I was doing so to emphasize the fact that the anime has 0% chance to anchor Ash down to any one place for too long.


That is almost assuredly the way they will end XY.

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An alternate way I was thinking of was Ash returning to Oak's lab to find him in the middle of a skype call with his cousin and he's sharing stuff about Alola and Ash asks about Alola which is when Prof Oak notices and intros Ash to his cousin and chats about the Alola region, ending with Ash saying he wants to go which Oak expected before hand, giving Ash a special dex which his Rotom inhabits.


Unnecessary lengthy I know, but that's how I see XY ending.

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I just realized how funny it is that Ash needs to be TOLD about new regions. Like, I'd be hard-pressed to go out and find someone who didn't know all 7 continents. I mean, he IS ten, but most ten-year olds know them as well XD. Guess Ash REALLY sucks at geography.


Yes I know he doesn't know about them cause they didn't exist till recently but its still funn to think about

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It's going to take some time to get used to Ash in Alola, and figure out what they mean by him "going to school"; probably a course on the island trials or something. It would be extremely silly for the writers to make him go back to the basics, given how far he has already come. Ash is a good Trainer, but he's just had very good opponents [well, except Gen 5, but not going further].


But yeah, I too suspect we'll see Oak's cousin tell him about Alola once he returns home from Kalos, and then the two will leave. As much as I hate to admit it, Serena is probably not coming along after XY ends, but we may be proven wrong later.

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I heard XY was actually pretty good and I liked the league fights I saw, so I may actually tune back into Pokémon for Sun/Moon if the reset button isn't pressed.


As for Ash going to school, I like the idea of the anime doing something different since the games are also really shaking things up. Instead of traveling companions, maybe Ash being in a cast with a bunch of different characters will be the new approach like someone said earlier; I think that'd be interesting.

I'm fine with him looking goofy, Z-moves has Pokémon embracing their campier side and it seems that spirit is definitely caught within the promo.

Fingers crossed that XY set the new standard of quality for the anime series.

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Well, we have that announcement coming tomorrow (or to be technically accurate, in about 4 hours since Japan's more than half a day ahead of us), so we'll probably get some info on this anime. If we do get a reason, hopefully it actually makes sense and at least keep Ash's momentum from this generation. If they pull a BW on us, then I don't know.


To be fair, Ash had the potential to win it in this generation and 4th; latter would've probably gotten him a win if he didn't have to deal with Ubers. We don't know how powerful the actual runner-up for Gen 4 was, aside from them getting 6-0 wiped. XY had him "this" close, but the writers decided to make him lose again. 

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