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サクラに何かを頼む (Ask Sakura Anything)

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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Top 3 favorite YCM subforums?


Favorite YGO card?


Opinion of KC?


If you could give yourself a superpower that you think suited you, what would it be?


What VG character (ex. Iowa, Curiosity core, etc.) do you think fits me most? (You can skip if this counts as an opinion question)

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Top 3 favorite YCM subforums?


Favorite YGO card?


Opinion of KC?


If you could give yourself a superpower that you think suited you, what would it be?


What VG character (ex. Iowa, Curiosity core, etc.) do you think fits me most? (You can skip if this counts as an opinion question)


A. Custom Cards (even if I had to run the place alone for a good while),

GFX/Showcase (well, I owe it to Night and co. for part of my GFXing knowledge) 

Clubs & Organizations


B. I have a lot of them, but most are competitive-tier and stuff. 


In no particular order: Shooting Star Dragon (and all forms of Stardust), RDA (and resulting forms; well, maybe not so much with King Calamity), Sapphy, Masked HERO Dark Law, Majespecter Unicorn - Kirin


C. Not really sure what you're asking here. Assuming Kancolie, but yeah not familiar with that franchise.


D. Probably elemental control (basically for taming storms and doing other stuff), extreme intelligence (pass all my exams in a snap) or if I really wanted to go in-character, superhuman strength.


E. Assuming this is Kancolie or Abyssals, I can't answer.



Wow, that's a lot of questions.


Other than YCM, what forum have you spent the greatest amount of time on, if any?


Seems a bit personal, so don't mind if you don't answer, but still curious.


I really shouldn't class this as a forum anymore since the place is literally more dead than the Q&A Tutorials, but Pokemon Infinity's. Unless, of course, you want to consider Stardust (or in other words, my technical copy of YCM). 


latias or latios?


Both of them really (if all of my Eon sigs/tags aren't any indicator). 


Latias is technically the Pokemon that most of you probably associate with me (from GPT), but Latios also holds this honor too to some extent. Then again, my spouse section reads that I'm married to Latias. 



I have more of Latias than I do of her brother (well, I have White 2 and Alpha Sapphire, which gives her). 

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What's the hardest part about being a moderator?


Trying to agree on stuff with the other mods, since we really aren't around to actually talk about stuff together. Yeah, it's pretty bad when we need to get stuff passed, but not enough of us actually come in and say stuff. And when we do take steps, either we're too late or internal conflicts arise about how it was implemented, despite repeated reminders for the rest of us who haven't spoken up to do so. 


(To be fair, it's still an issue to an extent, even with the new blood. For the record though, I've been involved in all of the mod discussions that go on.)


It's also a pain if you have to run a large area of this forum on your own. For a good while, I had to run CC on my own because Zex was eternally absent and any other co-mods that I had at that time resigned / asked to be moved elsewhere; Zex has been demoted though. That, and contending with members who choose not to obey the rules even after being warned. (There've been a few incidents during my modship, yes)


Favorite villain song? (note: video game/anime boss themes are not villain songs; the last few people I asked this question to seemed to have villain songs and boss themes mixed up)


What's your favorite part of being a moderator?


1. I haven't exactly been watching movies lately, but I guess "Be Prepared" from Lion King counts as one of them. (I'm ending up listening to it in other languages)


2. Suppose being in charge of setting the standard that I'd like for my area to be (and being involved in decisions that affect the site). At the very least, either I can see what the heck is going on in terms of decisions or I can make them. 


Why do I feel like you're weeb sheet now?


Because of the multiple anime references in my GFX work and profile page?


Then again, I only watch like...what, 3-4 anime (most of which is obvious). 

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From a standpoint of being from Hawaii. What are things from Hawaiian lore/culture that you want to see in Sun/Moon most?

Is there anything you hope they DON'T take from Hawaiian culture?


1. Would be nice if they based off of the Pokemon and stuff off of the local legends, or maybe included a backstory about it. To be fair, Jangmo-o does derive its name from mo'o (which are reptilian deities that defend freshwater sources; though the word can also translate to dragon/lizard), so guess they did incorporate some aspects of local culture. It would be neat to see a creation thing about Alola; as much as having a chant similar to Kumulipo would be amusing, I'm doubting that they'll go that far (because in all honesty, that thing is REALLY long, as in 2100+ lines). I don't know; maybe the first part should be enough, but how Gamefreak will adapt it to a more modern tone, I don't know.


I don't know what Kiawe's trial might entail, but likely going to invoke something related to our local dances. I suspect hula will be in here; albeit in the more modern form you all are familiar with (would be nice to see them use the kahiko, which is the older style with traditional instruments).


If you want an example, here (this is the guy who wrote the songs for Lilo & Stitch, just so you know).


They could add heiau (temples dedicated to various purposes), but how that'll work, I don't know. Maybe there'll be one dedicated to each of the legendaries or guardians, though we did see some Japanese-style towers in the trailers (we do have a few Japanese temples down here though). 


More darker-skinned characters would be nice here. Not going to pander to some of those people online who're complaining about this, but if they're basing Alola of Hawai'i, at least make it somewhat representative of the inhabitants. (Out of fairness, some Hawaiians are mixed race so their skin tone may be different, but yeah). Kiawe is pretty close.


2. Probably might be impossible for them to even add in anyway, but try to leave out things related to the kapu system (basically stuff you can't do at certain times, and pretty much a prescribed way of doing things like worshiping deities). Basically, men/women can't eat together, women can't eat certain foods that only men are permitted to [well, until 1819 anyway], your shadow cannot touch that of an ali'i (or you die). Then, we have the caste system: Ali'i (chiefs), kahuna (priests and some artesians), makaʻāinana (commoners), kauwā (war captives or anyone descended from them; I wouldn't call them the equivalent of "eta" in feudal Japan, but yeah).


Ancient Hawai'i did have human/blood sacrifice during war times and other occasions (i.e. season of Kū) usually from the kauwā. If you search the subject on Wikipedia, one of the first images is a rendition of what would happen back then. Would definitely recommend keeping this one out (despite this being an non-exclusive concept). 


To be fair, anything that involves the political drama in this state during its days as a kingdom (including the forced overthrow 123 years ago) should be avoided. I don't think Gamefreak will really delve into this, but yeah. I cannot say if native Hawaiians will get upset.


Or really, just don't make anything based on stereotypes of Polynesians or Pacific Islanders in general. 



Hell, I wrote a lot about this, but to summarize:


Add to Sun/Moon

  • Something linked to creation myths like Kumulipo (first verse is fine)
  • More traditional aspects of our culture, instead of the ones that got commercialized.
  • Darker-skinned characters (or something that represents more of Hawai'i's diversity).
    • Also Hawaiian names for characters would be good. I've probably mentioned this at some point, but pronunciation is very similar to Japanese roumaji with some exceptions. Our alphabet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaiian_alphabet
    • I am aware that the 'okina and macron/kahakō is difficult to write in most texts (the former can get away with the apostrophe [like I'm doing here b/c lack of proper 'okina key])

Don't add to Sun/Moon

  • Political stuff that happened after the arrival of Europeans and the USA (some Hawaiians are still peeved over the latter's takeover in 1893, despite Clinton apologizing a century later)
  • Stuff related to the kapu system and other "darker" things. 
  • Stereotypes (i.e. Polynesians are overweight)
  • Adaptations of our culture that are extremely off (or based on conceived notions)
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Make it different as opposed to the standard "Ask Sakura Anything" title (title technically says that). As much as I would've liked to put in Hawaiian, I can't speak the language fluently and Google Translate is heavily inaccurate at this time when translating to Hawaiian. 


(A note that while students here do learn some Hawaiian words, considering a lot of our street names and places are named as such, it isn't a required subject for us [unless you go to immersion schools or take it as a second language in college])

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1. What's your opinion on the fact that I made like 5 AMA threads while only having around 300 post count?


2. What's your opinion on my grammar?


(Feel free to ignore the questions above if they count as "opinions on me" questions.)


1. I'm not bothered by you making that many AMAs despite your low post count compared to other members. Come to think of it, I don't think I paid attention to a lot of them. 


2. You're generally fine. I take it that you have something else as your primary language, which isn't an issue. 


(Opinion questions are when you ask me how I feel about you as a person/member, etc. This stuff is fine)

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Which gif is in my sig are you're reading this, and what do you think of that gif?


Are you a morning person or an evening person?


Who is your favorite non-mod member of this site? (ex-mods don't count either; somebody who has never been in the mod chair pls)


Why is "Sakura" in katakana when Japanese names can be written in hiragana? Do you just prefer kata?

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1. Right now, the one with a silhouetted figure dancing with the spotlight on them. Neutral on it. 


2. Probably evening, considering how late I stay up nowadays. (I'm moodier in the mornings, but blame that on minimal sleep during college days)


3. Hmm, let me see; I have a few (in no particular order; bold are active users)

  • Kaisu
  • Kana (think it's N of Sorrow right now)
  • Spinny
  • Dova
  • ~British Soul~
  • Bassa
  • Fusion X. Denver (Super Fusion)
  • Darkplant/Kenta
  • Pikachu

You're still cool though.


4. Sakura's name (from Naruto) is written in katakana, so for flavor reasons, I wrote it like that. I could've written it in hiragana or kanji (Night's gift has the latter), but yeah. 

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