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Fitness (Gains brah)


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So in case I haven't mentioned on here, I'm kind of a gym rat now.  I'm still really skinny but not quite as holocaust-survivor as I used to be.


I started "working out" last August but have only been consistently lifting since around May, and even then my frequency has really only hit where it should be last month. 




So right now I do a PPL (push pull legs) split but I'm experimenting with that. So basically my week looks like this usually.


Day 1: Push (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Flat Bench

Incline Dumbbell Bench

Military Press

Cable Flies

Lateral Raises

Tricep Pushdown



Day 2: Pull (Back, Biceps)

Chin Ups


Seated Cable Rows

Dumbbell Rows





Day 3: Legs 


Leg Press

Calf Raises

Excuse to stop here



Day 4: Push again



So I usually do Push Monday and go as many times as I can that week and go back to push the following monday.  My shoulders have been screwing with me lately so I'm possibly moving those to pull day and doing arms on chest day to take the load off them.


In case anyone has some numbers to compare to, I'm currently at


Bench: 135x3

Deadlift: 255x1

Squat: 185x3


Not great by any means but I'm making progress and that's all I care about.


What do you do to get swole YCM?  

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I'm doing beginning weightlifting for my last half PE credit and Cross Country because my dad is making me.


So far, I can lift the bar. Sometimes. :')


[spoiler=.]Basically I deserve untreated colon cancer.


Now you can only lift the bar.  But it is one step toward your goals, whatever they may be.


Just take one step at a time.  (One step being 5lbs)

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