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[MtG] Standard U/R Docent Prowess


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Creature (12):


2x Curious Homunculus

3x Sanguinary Mage

4x Stormchaser Mage

2x Docent of Perfection

1x Bedlam Reveler


Instant (18):


2x Lightning Axe

2x Turn Aside

1x Compelling Deterrence

2x Horribly Awry

2x Unsubstantiate

4x Anticipate

2x Catalog

2x Convolute

1x Engulf the Shore


Sorcery (6):


4x Tormenting Voice

2x Nagging Thoughts


Enchantment (2):


2x Fevered Visions


Land (22):


13x Island

7x Mountain

2x Highland Lake


My IRL build so far.  The main star of the Deck is Docent, which is pretty much the wincon of the Deck.  Fevered Visions is really good for drawing cards needed to help out my monsters with Prowess as well as burning the opponent.  I need to know what changes are best in the Deck.  Do note that, due to Kaladesh being released in a month, I will not be adding in suggestions from Dragons of Tarkir and Magic Origins.

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Docent may be a good card in Limited, but at the end of the day in Standard, it's a five-drop that's incredibly vulnerable to removal and does nothing by itself. I don't think it's the right card to build a deck around.


If you want to do something spell-heavy in the current meta, look into Thermo-Thing. Here's a list I've adapted from MTGGoldfish that doesn't use DTK/ORI cards. It's not as budget as your build, but at least it doesn't have any Jace VPs.


4 Stormchaser Mage

4 Thermo-Alchemist

3 Thing in the Ice

2 Bedlam Reveler


4 Fevered Visions

4 Fiery Temper

3 Collective Defiance

3 Galvanic Bombardment

3 Incendiary Flow

2 Lightning Axe

2 Tormenting Voice

2 Unsubstantiate


10 Mountain

6 Island

4 Wandering Fumarole

3 Highland Lake

1 Geier Reach Sanitarium

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