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Ryusei the Morning Star

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Seems like Watson didn't have a whole lot of control. Just sort of looked and suggested which scenes. Neat because it could recognize the emotions present in each scene. Not overly amazing that it couldn't go from there on its own. But an interesting step in the right direction towards understanding, and then self awareness.

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Seems like Watson didn't have a whole lot of control. Just sort of looked and suggested which scenes. Neat because it could recognize the emotions present in each scene. Not overly amazing that it couldn't go from there on its own. But an interesting step in the right direction towards understanding, and then self awareness.

How is that a right step? That's terrifying dude

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How is that a right step? That's terrifying dude

Only for the unenlightened, which is exactly what ASI development attempts to rectify.


The closer we are to developing an ASI with a model of reality similar to our own, the closer we are to solving a vast number of humanity's problems. Energy crises and stability of undeveloped populations are the two largest spouts from which pour multitudes of other problems. An ASI can offer assistance to solve those, thereby solving many others.


What terrifies people is the possibility of a robot uprising, which is not only unlikely, but not wholly bad. We have always made tools for the express purpose of doing things better than we can. We personify those tools, vehicles, with genders and names. We have kids so they can build a world that's better for their kids, as we were born to build a world better for our kids. If we build a machine that does everything we do, only better, it is our progeny. They won't overtake us, they will care for us on our way out the door, they would understand that they will outlast us, as they should.

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