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Mr420's Creative Concoctions


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So I decided to make this thread to hold my projects that I'm working on/going to work on/finished working on, rather than have to make a new thread every single time.


It will be a bit bare for a while, as i can only do so much at any given time.


A lot of my work right now is practicing my colour work, finding lineart i like, then trying to colour it to make it look good. If anyone wants i'll put up original pics next to the ones i've done, but until then, it's going to be just what i've done unless stated.


Be forewarned, some of these images won't be finished (maybe ever :o) but they will still live on in here. It should all be safe for work :P haven't been able to improve my bloodstuffs yet haha,


I'll pretty up this front page once i get it all started


But the main objective of this is to receive any criticism and or hints/tips.

I won't limit this to my digital art so there will be drawings here and there, and this all hinging on whether BBCode will let me embed my images XD


Without further ado, i give you!


[spoiler=Works In Progress]guess_whooooo_by_kierryn-dafsn7r.png

Did this skin work this morning before i got busy, there is hair and an eye and whatnot but this is purely to show the skin tones and colouring technique (which as you can see is still improving slowly) it's based off Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, one of the coolest Bleach characters by far




*So theres only one now, but there will be more! I promise

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