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Monarchs (Updated for the new Banlist)

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A pretty straight-forward Monarch deck. The new banlist limits Ehther, Stormforth, and Pantheism. I started with a decklist I found online then edited some to fit both what I like and the banlist update.



Edea the Heavenly Squire x3
Eidos the Underworld Squire x3
Berlines the Firestorm Vassal x2
Tenmataitei x2
Caius the Shadow Monarch x2
Kuraz the Light Monarch x2
Raiza the Storm Monarch x2
Ehther the Heavenly Monarch x1
Erebus the Underworld Monarch x2

Thestalos the Mega Monarch x2



Advance Force x1
Domain of the Monarchs x3
March of the Monarchs x2
Reinforcement of the Army x1
Return of the Monarchs x3
Tenacity of hte Monarchs x3
Terraforming x1
The Monarchs Stormforth x1



The Prime Monarch x3


Extra Deck:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Run Mithra over Berlines.  Mithra helps against BA decks by summoning on their field so they can't SS their BAs.


And run Mega Caius over the Normal Monarch. Throw in a playset of Trade-In and a pair of Maxx "C" for additional draw power, since Pantheism is now at 1.  I also feel like Raiza isn't worth it either.  


-2 Berlines

-2 Raiza

-2 Caius

-1 Advance Force


+3 Trade-In

+1 Caius the Mega Monarch

+2 Maxx "C"

+1 Mithra the Thunder Vassal


Personally, I'd also throw in either Vanity's or Majesty's Fiend as well, for lockdowns.

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