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What are you scared of?


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Now that you mention it, add Anal bleaching to my list


Literal shitpost.  Speaking of sheet I'm afraid of.  Heights.  Again, dead serious.  I am not keen at going higher than fifty feet off the ground.  And I funking hate flying.  GOD.

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Easily my biggest fear is the future.


Maybe it's better to say uncertainty, but that's basically all the future is for me. I worry constantly, anxiety is generally always through the roof, and if I'm left alone with nothing to do? You can bet your ass I'm going to start panicking. The future scares the sheet out of me.

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Heights, the dark, death, and large dogs besides St. Bernards. Those guys are just too lovable.


I'm also really bad with horror, I don't do well things like jump scares and the aforementioned dark and death that's always in the horror films and such.

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The things that go on behind the closed doors of the powers that be.


Also the open ocean. sheet's huge and full of things that want to eat me and massive waves. The thought of being in the ocean and not being able to see land is some scary sheet.

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Oh yeah; I made a thread like this months back:







-The dark.


-Being alone (though, I guess I technically can't confirm this one, as I have significantly less experiences, and can even handle most things with no one else around; maybe more something in tandem with the dark).



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Oh yeah, I hate enclosed spaces that I can't get out of on my own. For example, if I'm just in my closet for whatever reason, that's no problem, but if someone were to block the door I'd be freaking out. I'm really small so I used to joke with my friends that if need be, I could just sit in the trunk (the kind where it's cut off from the rest of the car, not like in the bigger cars where it's open) to make room in the car, but one time I actually attempted it and I was asking to get out almost immediately.

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I have an irrational phobia of the b word uhhh the red stuff in yo body. 

also the dark and being left on my own without an easy way to contact or talk to someone, in my house my grandma is pretty much always home so i know im not alone.

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Heights, but only ones I can't control. I'm fine with being on a high cliff or whatever because I know I ain't falling off but I'm really uneasy on stuff like ladders, tall buildings and, above all, planes. Also crabs (the big ones that live in the sea).

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