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Gunnm/Battle Angel Alita


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The people and cyborgs of the Scrapyard live beneath the floating city of Tiphares, whose inhabitants dump their junk in the Scrapyard and rule above its inhabitants. One day Ido, a former Tipharean citizen and doctor specializing in cyborg repairs, finds the intact head of young cyborg-girl in a vast pile of scrap. He takes her in, gives her a body and the name Alita. Alita then discovers long forgotten fighting techniques hidden in her body and decides to become a hunter-warrior; a bounty collector employed by the factories of Tiphares.
The manga started in 1990 and has continued to the present, with an OVA adaption in 1993, as well as an upcoming live action film.
I started reading this recently and it's been really great. The action's really awesome (though it's really serious and gory if you're not into that kind of thing), the art is good and appealing, but what I love most is where the story goes with each arc and where it takes each of the characters and how they develop (especially with how much time passes and things change, within the first series over 12 years pass), particularly Alita and her quest of self-discovery.
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[spoiler=So I've started reading the sequel series.]Last Order is pretty interesting, it basically ignores the last chapter and a half or so of the original one and is basically a continuation in an alternate future from the original ending. The mangaka was forced to make an ending he wasn't pleased with and cut the series short due to illness, so the sequel series that began serialization a few years later continues what he wanted to tell. And while I was reading the ending of the original series, the starting point of the last part of the original seemed really sudden and out of nowhere, so the continuation in Last Order makes more sense.


It's like in an RPG, where you get the neutral/good ending that wraps things up in its own way, but if you do the true ending the story continues down a different route and goes further.


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Awesome, another fan. ^_^ I'v finished everything and keep upto date with Martian Chronicle which is suppose to be the last part. It's.............I don't want to say anything.

[spoiler=Last Order & it's length]

Although Last Order atm is still my favorite part it is a bit long. This is because before he switched over to Kodansha Comics, his previous publisher basically put him into a position where he had to extend the Z.O.T.T. So he ended up going on a year long hiatus and joined up with Kodansha Comics. Even so, although it was extended we were introduced to some great Characters. Zekka, Caerula Sanguis, Toji(to a lesser extent), Sechs, Zazie, and a bunch of others. And he also did a great job of establishing the back story of everything.


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