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actually creating cards?



5 answers to this question

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If you're talking about printing cards...Noise already covered that. If you mean actually making them official cards, on the other hand, that's a different story. This website is not affiliated with Konami in any way, shape, or form. You aren't able to submit your ideas to Konami here by any means and if memory serves they're actually not even allowed to take idea submissions for cards. This also means you wouldn't be able to use cards created here in official events. The best you can hope for is to print them as in the above suggestion and play with people who don't mind you using custom cards.

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Yeah, someone did contact Konami about the notion of submitting ideas and we got a response saying that they cannot use our ideas. I forgot when someone asked though, but we had gotten an answer.


If you want it made, you'll need to make them yourself or order it from an OriCa store (be warned that the prices are expensive). Or if Konami ever has a card design contest, you can try submitting ideas there and hope they choose your stuff, but in those cases, usually restricted to little kids in Japan. If you live in Western territories, you're out of luck. 

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http://oricacard.com/shop/custom-card/(You can use this one, but like I told you earlier; really expensive)

http://www.yugiohoricasofficial.com/(This one may be cheaper, but idk)


Or yeah, you can just print them yourself; assuming you have good stock paper, a color printer and other stuff. Card size is 2.375'' x 3.625'' (if you need to convert to metric, just multiply by 2.54 to get the dimensions in centimeters) 

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