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Wierd Tribute Cards & Other Stuff Relating To Tributes

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Honestly i lol at these cards

I know these cards were made like YEEEARS ago, but look how much it ahs changed from then


Saber Slasher ATK: 1450 / DEF: 1500 / Level: 5

Shapesnatch ATK: 1200 / DEF: 1700 / Level: 5

Zanki ATK: 1500 / DEF: 1700 / Level 5

Doma The Angel Of Silence ATK: 1600 / DEF: 1400 / Level 5

Morinphen ATK: 1550 / DEF: 1300 / Level: 5

Bolt Escargot ATK: 1400 / DEF: 1500 / Level: 5

Leo Wizard ATK: 1350 / DEF: 1200 / Level: 5

Sand Stone ATK: 1300 / DEF: 1600 / Level: 5

Crawling Dragon ATK: 1600 / DEF: 1400 / Level: 5

Misairuzame ATK: 1400 / DEF: 1600 / Level: 5

Spike Seadra ATK: 1600 / DEF: 1300 / Level: 5



Click on the links to see them (plus theres like 50 more)

I bet anyone doesnt use these anymore

Man, ill just take out Vorse Raider and kick them

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