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[MTG] Modern Suicide Dredge


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A pretty all in version of modern dredge. I never liked using fetchlands in dredge. Other than some utility with bloodghast I find the less lands in dredge, the better. Loam can cover the bloodghast utility anyways.

4x Insolent Neonate

4x Bloodghast

4x Narcomeba

4x Prized Amalgam

4x Stinkweed Imp

3x Street Wraith

4x Golgari Grave Troll


4x Faithless Looting

3x Conflagrate

4x Tormenting Voice

3x Life From the Loam

1x Rally the Peasants


4x Mana Confluence

4x City of Brass

4x Gemstone Mines

4x Copperline Gorge

2x Dakmor Salvage


4x Thoughseize

3x Ancient Grudge

2x Gnaw to the Bone

2x Nature's Claim

2x Vengeful Pharaoh

1x Darkblast

1x Engineered Explosives

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