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3 Grimro

2 Hattricker

2 Ganashia

1 Kushgod

2 Nozoochee

3 Krus

2 Cerburrel

3 Level Eater

2 Lurrie

3 Chawa

1 Tuningware


3 Instant Norden

1 One for One

3 De-Fusion

1 Where Arf Thou

1 Soul Charge

1 Upstart rip


1 Reincarnation

1 Foolish

1 Norden

1 Quasar

1 Trish

3 Omega

1 Ancient Fairy Dragon

1 Coral Dragon

1 Stardust Charge

1 Librarian

2 Ragin

1 Nat Beast

2 Hamilton

Started making this deck with absolutely no idea what any Fabled card did so it was a rocky start. While you can never have too much Quasar I'm kind of at the point where I feel we should see other dragons and so this build is love for Trish. De-Synchro on Trish next to Librarian should be illegal. Really any instance where you can double/triple Trish is pretty much game over and you don't need Quasar because what are you going to negate when they have no cards.

Synchro Fusionist is probably better at the hand looping but I am a simple minded lad so I'm not going to go learn a deck just to do something I can find a clunkier way of achieving myself. Ancient Fairy Dragon is funking amazing. I don't think I really need all 3 Omegas but I've summoned them all a few times and it helps the whole hand depletion thing. You do probably want to go first and hope you don't brick but if you have to go second yay Quasar save me. No backrow or backrow removal because where's the fun in knowing your plays are going to go through.

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