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BREAKING NEWS: Suicide bombing at farm kills 23 goats, 57 injured

Just Crouton

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The farm where GoatGoat lived.



Earlier today, the YCMPD investigated the bombing of a goat farm near Misc. 23 goats died, with 57 injured. Eyewitnesses reported seeing a cow walking away from the devastation.


YCM regular CowCow is the prime suspect, having recently caught his spouse in a sexual act with former friend GoatGoat, combined with his history of exploding.


"We assume it's CowCow" YCMPD chief and accused black market potato dealer Striker told us. "GoatGoat lived here, so CowCow had plenty of motive."


GoatGoat was fortunately not at the farm at the time of the bombing, instead with Aix.


When questioned about ruling it as a suicide bombing, Striker told us "I have no idea what to call it. MACHISMO did all the work, and now he's gone."


Aix and GoatGoat have declined to comment.


The Indominus Rex and a ceiling fan, mortal enemies of CowCow, have joined the manhunt for CowCow.

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