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Pokemon XY Drinking Game

Snatch Steal

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of which I will not participate in which is bittersweet


It's been 3 years but it's finally here!!!!!!!!


- Take a shot every time a Pokemon levels up due to the EXP Share, then another one if you caught a wild Pokemon in the same battle.

- Take a shot every time you see Pikachu, or Pikachu is mentioned.

- Restart your game if you catch Pikachu. If you throw a Pokeball at Pikachu while drunk and it does not catch, then OHKO it, you win immediately.

- Take a shot every time Team Flare says or does something utterly stupid

- Take a shot every time Tierno dances.

- Take a shot every time a Pokemon uses a Fairy-Type move, then take another if it's super effective

- Take a sip every time your entire team is over leveled, or a shot if it's a gym leader

- Take a shot when you get Lucario, then take two more if you have both your own Lucario and the one that was given to you.

- Take a shot every time you get a mega stone, then another shot when you mega evolve the first time.

- Do nothing when you get to Olympia.

- Take a shot every time Talonflame is mentioned or used, or when Brave Bird is used.

- Take a shot every time you complete a Super Training regiment

- Take two shots whenever you toggle the exp share.

- Take a shot every time you see ryhorn, then another if you get on it.

- Take a shot every time you sit down in game

- Take a shot every time the ability Sturdy triggers, then another if it was a Graveler, then two more if it used Selfdestruct or Explosion afterwards.


God bless your liver.

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