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Galaxy-Eyes/Cipher Support [ANIME]

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Galaxy-Eyes Nova


Quick-Play Spell



Tribute 1 "Galaxy-Eyesmonster, then target 1 "Galaxy-Eyes" monster in yourGraveyardSpecial Summon it.


Rank-Up-Magic Cipher Pursuit


Quick-Play Spell

If the difference between your LP and your opponent's is at least 2000: Target 1 "CipherXyz Monster you controlSpecial Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 "Cipher" Xyz Monster that is 1 Rank higher than that target, by using it as the Xyz Material, and if you do, you can activate that Xyz Monster's effect that is activatedby detaching its own Xyz Material(s). (This Special Summon is treated as an Xyz Summon. Xyz Materials attached to it also become Xyz Materials on the Summoned monster.)

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Pursuit is kind of cool, being a Quick-Play RUM for Ciphers, and the 2000 LP difference can be useful...but it's conditional, since you can't use it if the difference is less than 2000, making it suboptimal for the most part.


Nova is FANTASTIC, because it's for "Galaxy-Eyes", not "Cipher". This can help you dodge removal effects without losing much, or inflict massive damage during the Battle Phase, as you can Tribute any Galaxy-Eyes (Xyz or Photon) for any other Galaxy-Eyes (Xyz or Photon). And if you have any target in your Graveyard already, you can Tribute 1 and then re-Summon that same monster. And due to how often Galaxy-Eyes Xyz tend to Xyz Change, there's a high chance you'll have something good in the Graveyard.

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