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Exarion/Delver deck (may need help??)

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This deck revolves around the use of Shadow Delver and Exarion universe. It also includes other dark monsters.



2x jinzo

2x helpowemer

2x dark nemphys

3x shadow delver

3x Exarion universe

3x kycoo the ghost destroyer

3x zaloog

1x breaker

1x sangan

1x snipe hunter


SPELLS (12):

2 x foolish burial

1 x heavy storm

1 x mystical space typhoon

1 x Brain control

1 x Monster Reborn

1 x nobleman of croosout

1 x lighting vortex

1 x scapegoat

1 x enemy controler

1 x smashing ground

1 x fissure


TRAPS (7):

2 x phoneix wing wind blast

2 x sakuresu armor

1 x mirror force

1 x trap dustshoot

1 x torrential tribute

1 x bottomless trap hole

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It was a cool idea, but don't use Legendary Fiend in this deck, and Amplifier is pointless (as Crab said). Instead, I'd get rid of some traps and add in more cards like Kon mentioned. Brain Control would help with the tribute monsters, and Smashing Ground would help with field control. Not to mention you could use some cards like Enemy Controller in replacement of your traps.

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