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[HS] One Night in Karazhan

Miror B

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sheet's 12 hours old nobody made a topic on it yet.







Currently only 7 revealed cards so far.


[spoiler=7 big images ahead]



It's stat value and a beast, what's not to love?




Malygos tutor, Reno consistency, and a 6 health taunt. Not the best taunt mind you but it's included with draw.




Pit fighter with a conditional bonus. I love it.




Hate the card only because it's the same rng that I hated in Unstable Portal. Bias for sure.




Moar heal! Never enough heal! Take that Priest!




Cute af, no clue how it will perform since a deck can be built around this. After all it gives MalyShaman a second Maly that's cheaper.




Value on cost vs stats but otherwise funking LOL.



That is all.

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Is 2/2 for 1 really that crazy, though? Adding that extra point of HP doesn't help it to trade better against the vast majority of 1- and 2-drops. The fact that it doesn't die to pings is really good, and it's the best 1-drop Druid has (arguable if you include Living Roots), but it still doesn't seem THAT good.


Barnes and Curator are both really cool, and there's got to be some craziness you can pull with them.


Firelands is pretty bland, but probably fun to play. I doubt it's that great to use (almost) your entire turn on a weaker Fireball and RNG-dependant summon, although I don't really know the average value of 5-cost minions so IDK.


Ivory Knight's design is really cool. In addition to the obvious decision making of which card to take from the Discover, there's the added layer of needing to factor in the cost if you need HP. Plus, your opponent will be able to tell the cost of the card you took so they can maybe play around it better. That's some damn good card design.


I don't know is Peddler is good, but I do know I'd Thoughtsteal the sheet out of that.

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Is 2/2 for 1 really that crazy, though? Adding that extra point of HP doesn't help it to trade better against the vast majority of 1- and 2-drops. The fact that it doesn't die to pings is really good, and it's the best 1-drop Druid has (arguable if you include Living Roots), but it still doesn't seem THAT good.


On its own, no, but it's a Beast which makes it insane and lets you play on-curve Mark of Y'Shaarj which you previously couldn't without coin. 


The rest of the cards are mediocre to good except Barnes which is ridiculously good and Tuskarr Totemic level of swingy because normally it'll just be a 3/4 and a 1/1 but then there'll be games where it pulls Rag or Cairne and wins the game straight-up. Not good card design in my opinion. 

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Kindly Grandmother just seem so insane since one of the only things that Hunter was actually missing currently were good early game drops that weren't Fiery Bat / Elekk. They had to play Huge Toad (which really is not a great card) before due to lack of things to fill the space, but this card could end up making the deck become a lot more zoo-like and start playing stuff like Dire Wolf to get mad synergies.

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It's still pretty insane even if it's effect isn't at the end of the turn like Thaurisann (and it'd be wayyyyy too strong if it was). If you get his effect off even once, you win the fatigue war in a control vs control matchup unless you've been gorging yourself on card draw, not even taking into account how valuable the legendaries you get may be. And it's still a 5 mana 5/6 on top of that.


It is confirmed to follow standard deckbuilding rules, so it'll only give you class legendaries + neutral legendaries, and won't give duplicates.

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I'm glad Ben Brode help confirm a lot of stuff: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/4vm13p/reveal_2_new_cards_revealed_by_ben_brode_in_s/d5zhfzz?context=3


I get where some people are coming from that the card isn't as good as you think because it may pollute your deck with bad draws, especially now that it's guaranteed, but I don't care, it's a fun card.

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