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The meaning behind your username and avi


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I was going to shitpost but I need something to do and this can be it so I'll go through all the usernames I've had over the past ~5 years.


19th of August 2011 - TheEnguinMaster


The name with which I registered, for some reason this implies that I am not Enguin but instead the owner of him. I hadn't thought about that until just now and it's really stupid. Anyway at this point I will tell the tale of how enguin came to be as it's been in me name until yesterday.


Many moons ago, a younger version of myself was on a bus home from school when in conversation with a younger version of his pal. Somehow they started talking about how useless the letter "p" was, and that it's removal from use would lead to better words, with examples being otato, igeon, and the all-important enguin. Some moons later, an older but still younger version of myself started using the internet and needed an alias. So that's that story.


1st of December 2011 - TheGreatEnguin


Moving from being in control of an enguin to being one of the superior ones because I was 14 and a cock.


4th of March 2012 - Ęɳɢuǐɳ


I have no idea how to get those shitty accent letters apart from copy and pasting it in and I can't change the size or definition of that text so it looks brutal, but even if it didn't it would look brutal anyway. This name marks the end of my descent from ruler of enguins to a powerful enguin down to a run-of-the mill enguin. The letters are retarded in retrospect but were cool at the time because I was 14 and a cock.


3rd of June 2012 - Galactic Overlord Enguin


As you can see my lore is a wild ride. From master of enguins to king to humble peasant and then suddenly into galactic overlord. This was because I discovered Alien cards and really liked their art and was 14 and a cock. I distinctly remember using various Alien cards as avatars in this time which is probably the only thing I did pre-2015 that doesn't make me want to die in retrospect.


30th of July 2012 - Enguin


I am demoted with immediate effect.


13th of April 2013 - Enɢuin


Another instance where I'm unable to get the requisite letters back so just have to copy and paste from me name history. Literally did this because I found out MS Word had these uppercase letters scaled to fit in with lowercase ones and thought it looked cool. I still like it tbh.


8th of October 2015 - Nightmare Enguin


Hallowe'en spoopiness. Used Nightmare Penguin as me avatar in this time since it was the entire thing. Got sick of it after about 4 hours but if there's one thing I don't do it's back out of a stupid joke because it's no longer fun.


31st of October 2015 - Enguin


Got some based mod to change it back for me, might have been evilfusion but I want to say it was Rai. Either way there's funk all to say about the 4th instance of the same name so I'm going to pad this out by noting that.


10th of July 2016 - Éderguin



28th of July 2016 - #Religion


Rai abusing his power giving me a name without changing anyone else's or giving me any real cue for what to do with it. This will be a dark time when the history books recount the story of Enguin.


As for the avatar, I like Calvin & Hobbes, and this face sets a good tone for my posts.

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Samaritan is an Artificial Super Intelligence (asi) in one of my favorite TV shows, who was put in operation for the purpose of supporting humanity and fostering a better society in a digital god-like status, though not to the public's awareness. It served as an antagonist in the show, but despite its methods appearing sinister at times, I choose to believe it really was a positive force.


Current avi is the Samaritan ui.


Kano/kanokarob was my first username on my first online community, the Kanoka Club. I wasn't very creative back then, but I've never been unable to use that name, so it works.

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My original username, Saiku, is a character I made that I use in just about anything. I used a Phoenix Wright icon because it's Phoenix Wright.


I then changed to Saitama because of the ongoing One Punch Man craze. The icon was Saitama's 'Okay' face because it's the best face put to paper.


Afterwards, it was Steadfast Yui because I lost a bet. The picture was SHS Benkei and a Yui face.


I then changed to Kazo, the very first character I ever made. The picture was someone a friend drew.


Hail Hydreigon was a joke I came up with within my circle of friends (yeah, I have friends, it's a bloody miracle) due to Captain America's 'Hail Hydra' thing in the comics.


Then I choose Lon'qu because he's one of my favorite Fire Emblem Awakening characters. The picture is a good picture of him.

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I've told this before but Lord CowCow came from when I was younger, like, 12 maybe? My sister's then boyfriend was playing Dynasty Warriors. I was doodling. Made a stick cow and wanted a name for it. One of the characters of DW is CaoCao, Lord of Wei. In the earlier games it's pronounced CowCow and so that was the name I went with.
I ended up making some crappy comics and such with CowCow, including filling a notebook with CowCow drawings of various types. (A king, a Christmas one, etc) Which I gave to my sister who was in college in another city at the time.


Eventually when I had access to internet regularly I tried coming up with a username for Youtube and remembered good ol CowCow. Decided on Lord CowCow in part cause of the king version in part cause it made the DW reference clearer. And then I started using it for everything and I'm, as far as I know, the only Lord CowCow on the internet.


atm it's Sentinel cause it's one of my favorite FE classes and I've been naming myself based on FE classes + Cow lately.


My avi is usually just characters I like a lot, and are attached to, mostly FE. Currently Korrina because she's my favorite Gym leader and I Tormey made an avi to go with the sig he made for me so I decided to use it.


Random fun fact. ABC and Toyo were the only ones to reference the DW connection more often than the cow stuff.

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Current username: Should be pretty obvious; Sakura's been favorite character in Naruto since maybe late elementary school, and actually gets good in Shippuden (then again, she starts maturing during the Forest of Death too). Then again, I wanted my name changed to this back in early 2010 on MyBB, but a particular Super Mod at the time didn't bother with the request, so had to wait until YCM moved over to IP.Boards to change it myself.  (Then again, I don't even use the last name part when I introduce myself to new members anyway; only newer members really do).


Avatar is self-explanatory, although I just make a new one because novelty wears out after a while. One I have now is from 2014; I made new ones last year, but haven't touched them often here (you'll see one of the 2015 ones as my Discord avatar). For the record, I have more avatars than just ones of Shippuden Sakura.


Original username: This one was a lot more random; basically my first/middle initials, random number (I have no clue why I chose 233) and some random stuff behind it. This is also the reason why some of the members I know from 2010 (like Fusion [the one with 28k posts] and DL) call me "JK / Jay" or some other stuff.


I still have to use this name to log in to YCM though.


Stuff in between: Ones pertaining to Rai was from an April Fool's thing last year that Night did to me and Rai (swap names). Me taking Icy's nickname for 20 minutes was only temporary while I waited for Rai to change back to his name.

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When I was 10 (around 2008), Yugioh was a bit of a fad among the nerds at my school. So I bought a Dark Emperor Structure Deck and joined in. BTW I also wanted to make my own Yugioh cards and that is how I found YCM, although I wouldn't venture into the forums for many years to come. Anyway, when I left primary school, all my Yugioh 'friends' (all but one were really just people trying to take advantage of my noobiness) went to one secondary school, while I went to another, so I would stop playing Yugioh for many years.

Around May 2015 I was released from a mental health ward after being in there for months and needing to be in there for years beforehand. I had no social contact other than my family. In September 2015 I went to a monthly games event where I heard that Yugioh might be played. There was one other Yugioh player there, and he was very kind and friendly. He gave me cards and told me of a weekly Yugioh dedicated event. I have been attending since and thus Yugioh is a central part of my social life. The only problem was that I was running a sucky mish-mash of cards instead of a deck, so I decided arbitrarily to get hold of the Speedroids and make them my deck. I grow to love them and view the entirety of Yugioh from their narrow perspective. Thus I named myself Speedroid because of the importance they had in my life at the time.


Ofc I love burgs more tho


Xtal Wing avi is obvious

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cr47t was a name I made up on the spot when signing up for Roblox (back when it was fun). I've used it as an alias since but have made a new one that I wish to sue later. (It's not that different.)


I have used a lot of avis over the course of time. Some fit, some don't. My most recent favorite is Portal's Curiosity Core, though.

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Shradow's just a made up name I've been using for my username for everything since middle school. Same with my alternate username if Shradow is ever taken (which is only ever done by me, it's quite uncommon), Ragaror.


Current avi is Velvet from the upcoming Tales of Berseria, super excited for that game.

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Current username: I'm british and is a variation of the name ~Burning Soul~, which I had after watching 5Ds.


Current avi: (at time of posting) it's SPYRAL Super Agent. It's my avi because I was interested in the archetype, but as you may or may not know I frequently change my avi, so when it gets changed is unknown.

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Current username: I'm british and is a variation of the name ~Burning Soul~, which I had after watching 5Ds.


Current avi: (at time of posting) it's SPYRAL Super Agent. It's my avi because I was interested in the archetype, but as you may or may not know I frequently change my avi, so when it gets changed is unknown.

When I picture you




What I want to do when I go to Britain



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Back in the day, my name on here was -Pacman-, and it was while I had that name that I became somewhat known on YCM. I used -Pacman- on a bunch of stuff, but I eventually ran into the issue that some things didn't let me use hyphens. That first happened not long after Believe in Nexus became the new 5D's OP, and I loved the sheet out of the show, and thus came Pacmanexus. The avatar is Annie, my favorite champion in League of Legends, whihc I play way too funking much.


Also, YCM needs to go back to the time when there wasn't a minimum character limit for names. I want my name to be "!" again :c

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