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Favorite Pokemon of Each Type?

Snatch Steal

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[spoiler=If you're too lazy to put them in yourself]





Normal: Stoutland
Fire: Arcanine
Fighting: Pangoro
Water: Poliwrath
Flying: Staraptor
Grass: Abomasnow
Poison: Skuntank
Electric: Electivire
Ground: Diggersby
Psychic: Slowbro
Rock: Carracosta
Ice: Mamoswine
Bug: Escavalier
Dragon: Tyrantrum
Ghost: Jellicent
Dark: Houndoom
Steel: Magneton
Fairy: Granbull
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Normal: Furret

Fighting: Lucario

Grass: Ludicolo

Fire: Chandelure

Water: Octillery

Bug: Volcarona

Flying: Tropius

Rock: Aurorus

Electric: Ampharos

Ground: Zygarde

Poison: Dragalge

Psychic: Meowstic

Ice: Froslass

Ghost: Trevenant

Dragon: Giratina

Dark: Zoroark

Steel: Ferrothorn

Fairy: Mawile

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Normal - Cinccino

Fire - Arcanine

Fighting - Hitmonlee

Water - Samurott

Flying - Skarmory

Grass - Torterra

Poison - Serviper

Electric - Elektross

Ground - Hippowdon

Psychic - Alakazam

Rock - Omastar

Ice - Glalie

Bug - Pinsir

Dragon - Haxorus

Ghost - Frosslass

Dark - Yvetal

Steel - Mawile

Fairy - Klefki

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I am extremely surprised no Serperior

Serperior I use competitively but if I'm not playing on Showdown I would prefer Torterra, that and a giant tortoise with a tree and mountains on its back would be awesome to have IRL so it gets a slightly higher spot.
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Keeping this up to OR/AS; list will probably change after Sun & Moon. List does not care if primary/secondary Typing.


Normal: Arceus/Lopunny
Fire: Arcanine/Reshiram
Fighting: Lucario/Keldeo
Water: Suicune/Samurott
Flying: Lugia/Rayquaza
Grass: Shaymin/Leafeon
Poison: Gengar
Electric: Jolteon/Raikou
Ground: Garchomp/Flygon
Psychic: Espeon
Rock: Terrakion / Tyranitar
Ice: Kyurem/Glaceon
Bug: Scizor
Dragon: Latias (and her bro)
Ghost: Giratina
Dark: Darkrai/Absol/Yveltal
Steel: Metagross
Fairy: Xerneas/Sylveon



Yeah, this is it; most are legendaries or otherwise fully evolved, but you knew that. This doesn't imply that I hate everything else, but these are on my favorite's list (most of the remaining Pokes, I'm neutral on, and rest are iffy)

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Keeping this up to OR/AS; list will probably change after Sun & Moon.


Normal: Arceus

Fire: Arcanine/Reshiram

Fighting: Lucario/Keldeo

Water: Suicune

Flying: Lugia/Rayquaza

Grass: Shaymin/Leafeon

Poison: Gengar

Electric: Jolteon/Raikou

Ground: Garchomp

Psychic: Espeon

Rock: Terrakion

Ice: Kyurem/Glaceon

Bug: Scizor

Dragon: Latias (and her bro)

Ghost: Giratina

Dark: Darkrai/Absol/Yveltal

Steel: Metagross

Fairy: Xerneas/Sylveon



Yeah, this is it; most are legendaries or otherwise fully evolved, but you knew that.


I sense your list is the most cliche.

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Going to stick with the first type listed for dual types (flying types excluded), otherwise this could get a bit confusing. Also won't include mega formes.


Normal - Audino

Fire - Arcanine

Fighting - Mienshao/Pangoro

Water - Wartortle

Flying - Aerodactyl

Grass - Shaymin

Poison - Nidoqueen

Electric - Pikachu/Dedenne

Ground - Flygon

Psychic - Lugia

Rock - Aurorus 

Ice - Froslass

Bug - Shedinja

Dragon - Latios/Dragonair

Ghost - Drifblim

Dark - Hydreigon

Steel - Aggron

Fairy - Sylveon

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Normal - Zangoose


Fire - Ho - Oh


Fighting - Breloom


Water - Ludicolo


Flying - Fearow


Grass - Treeko


Poison - Nidoking


Electric - Zebstrika


Ground - Baltoy


Psychic - Metagross


Rock - Golem


Ice - Sealeo


Bug - Scyther


Dragon - Salamence


Ghost - Gengar


Dark - Mightyena


Steel - Lairion


Fairy - Mawile

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Normal: Snorlax

Fire: Emboar

Fighting: Heracross

Water: Slowbro

Flying: Talonflame/Staraptor

Grass: Torterra

Poison: Drapion

Electric: Rotom (Especially Heat)

Ground: Gliscor

Psychic: Hoopa

Rock: Tyrantrum

Ice: Glalie

Bug: Volcarona

Dragon: Goodra

Ghost: Gengar

Dark: Pangoro

Steel: Steelix

Fairy: Togekiss

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Normal - Spinda or Ursaring

Fire - Ho-oh because angelic wings

Fighting - Bewear

Water - Empoleon

Flying - Togekiss

Grass - Sceptile

Poison - Gengar

Electric - Electivire

Ground - Zygarde

Psychic - Solosis

Rock - Aggron (ew rock types)

Ice - Beartic

Bug - Spinny the Spinarak

Dragon - The new derpy looking one who's name escapes me

Ghost - Gengar

Dark - Pangoro

Steel - Aegislash

Fairy - Clefable (It's like a big pink... bear? Almost?)

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Normal - Skitty

Fire - Blaziken

Fighting - Lucario

Water - Mudkip

Flying - Staraptor

Grass - Venasaur

Poison - Crobat

Electric - Pikachu

Ground - Groudon

Psychic - Mewtwo

Rock - Gigalith

Ice - Glaceon

Bug - Beautifly

Dragon - Reshiram/Exeggutor

Ghost - Giratina

Dark - Liepard

Steel - Dialga

Fairy - Xerneas


I would just ignore fighting and consider it Blaziken if I was choosing from secondary types as well, and I wish I could do Torterra for ground, but as someone said, it does seem too confusing. 

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Gonna try to not repeat, even when it technically applies (See: Litwick). Lines aren't condensed, unless otherwise shown (IE: Litwick/Chandelure). So if I hit their typing before I go furhter down, they'll get listed earlier (IE: Litwick, Altaria).

Going to exclude Mega Evolutions and their typings, too.


Based on my top 20, for the most part, so not neccesarily indicative of pure rankings.

Normal: Zigzagoon (best pet)
Fire: Litwick/Chandelure
Fighting: Gallade
Water: Greninjia
Flying: Altaria
Grass: Pumpkaboo
Poison: Roserade
Electric: Joltik
Ground: Camerupt
Psychic: Gardevoir
Rock: Dwebble
Ice: Cubchoo
Bug: Venipede
Dragon: Hydreigon
Ghost: Shuppet/Banette
Dark: Krookodile
Steel: Aron
Fairy: Whimsicott


normal was pretty much a throwaway, but it's not wrong

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Electric-Therian thundurus











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Normal: Furfrou

Fire: Chandelure

Fighting: Mienshao

Water: Swampert

Flying: Talonflame

Grass: Serperior

Poison: Dragalge

Electric: Heliolisk

Ground: Torterra

Psychic: Reuniclus

Rock: Tyranitar

Ice: Abomasnow

Bug: Volcarona

Dragon: Flygon

Ghost: Froslass

Dark: Pangoro

Steel: Aegislash

Fairy: Florges

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Normal - Skitty
Fire - Volcarona
Fighting - Gallade
Water - Feraligatr
Flying - Dragonite
Grass - Leafeon
Poison - Crobat
Electric - Ampharos
Ground - Excadrill
Psychic - Espeon
Rock - Tyranitar
Ice - Vanilluxe
Bug - Beedrill
Dragon - Salamence
Ghost - Chandelure
Dark - Umbreon
Steel - Aggron
Fairy - ​Gardevoir

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Normal Eevee


Fire Ninetales


Fighting Conkeldurr


Water Greninja


Flying Crobat


Grass Torterra


Poison Nidoking


Electric Jolteon


Ground Gliscor


Psychic Alakazam


Rock Tyranitar


Ice Weavile


Bug Scizor


Dragon Dragonite


Ghost Dusknoir


Dark Zoroark


Steel Bisharp


Fairy Mawile

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