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DNC Officials Sabotaged Bernie Sanders' Campaign


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It is fake 100%. Look at the phone number at the bottom.


Also Winter, are you sure they're referring to Mexicans as "taco bowls" there, or are they just talking about Trump and his taco bowl?


Regardless, this whole thing is ludicrously shady. I figured big Sanders supporters were exaggerating or looking for excuses when they said the system was against him, but damn. 


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Did you hear about how Hillary re-hired her and the fact that the person they replaced her with was also implicated?


Because DWS probably made a fuss trying to keep her job so she couldn't actually be outright fired. Instead she's given an steady paycheck and something to make it feel like she's still useful. 


Despite how bad it looks to the public, there is no chance in hell they'd risk pissing DWS off. The Wikileaks have potentially bad stuff in them - DWS would know all of the stuff for certain. 


I wouldn't be surprised if DWS has a tragic car accident or a trip at home sometime in the near future. 




Look at this - There's the implication it took a call from Obama to convince her to take the bulley. So she wasn't going down easy, and hence the DNC had to give her something. 

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What the funk happened to you, America? You were cool up until like the 80s then you just went off into the deep end and started being the arsehole you originally set out to eliminate. Country's been hijacked by crooks. Abe Lincoln would be rolling in his grave.

Yeah... Okay.


The US has always been the arsehole, it never stopped being that. Abe Lincoln's era was full of corruption, and his cabinet wasn't exactly full of saints, who all were paid off in multiple ways over multiple legislative policies. At the time, Irish Mobs were running rampant, and the rise of the railroad business left the entire countryside in desolation, especially with the destruction of the buffalo. Why do you think it took the US Government years to do anything about this? Because the railroad businesses paid em off. The entire Republican party after Lincoln's death became a radical-progressive farce of crusaders looking to destroy the Democrats by any means necessary. They were willing to shove Rutherford Hayes in a position he was not qualified to run because he promised to end reconstruction.


It was a shitshow, the Republican's had no funking clue what to do anymore. After the Hayes fuckup they backed a war veteran who had one of the most corrupt cabinets in US history. Suddenly the party was being paid off by the steel business, and by the run of William McKinley, monopolies had run the funking show by paying off politicians to let them get away with classic human rights violations, financial cover ups, and environmental disasters. America hasn't had a single day where corruption wasn't rampant. The concept is lined in the soil of the US, and it will never go away. Abe Lincoln rolling over in his grave? You mean the guy who sent Union General Tecumseh Sherman to go on a bloody massacre in Atlanta, a place where more civilians died than soldiers?


Abe Lincoln had one of the shittiest armies in the entire world at the start of the Civil War. Rich boys were paying for high ranking positions, sending soldiers off in suicide missions because they had no sense of military strategy. The corruption in the military was rampant. Officials were paid off to overlook contraband, and turn the other cheek as soldiers raped and pillaged through the Confederate country side. Lincoln sat through it all. He was willing to do whatever it took to keep the Union connected, even if the trail was left knee-deep in blood and tears to keep it that way.

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To follow up about Lincoln, we live in a country that actively shames its southeastern section for a war based on slavery when it was nothing of the sort


I understand that slavery was a part of the civil war and it's wrong, but you have to understand context.


The Union wanted the confederacy to abolish slavery ASAP, which meant culture shock/economic crash the south didn't want, but there were many, many other issues to the Civil War and the Confederacy that people overlook.


Such as the fact that it was about States vs. Government. About deciding who got to make the laws. Slavery was the "headliner" the same way politicians use Abortion or Gay Marriage modern day. It's the cover cause, but very rarely the point at the core.


If the war was about slavery alone, why did Lincoln wait 1.5 YEARS into the war before the Emancipation Proclomation? Isn't that fis


It's really stupid that people blindly assault the Confederate Flag, which represents soldiers who died giving their life to a cause they believed in, many of which were not about slavery. That you can't fly it because you might offend someone because of skin tone.


Slavery was more relevant to the rich farmers.


That said, I'm going off an a tangent, and the big point is this:


While the confederacy started the war, a lot of it was due to a feeling of being bullied by the north/the government, which was never addressed seriously, due to said portion being in power, and Lincoln's presidency is further attributed to this divide. History is written by the winners, so it says how horrible the south was and how wonderful the north was, but anyone should realize that the history books are full of sheet.

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How did we get from the DNC to the civil war?Anyways, I'm more worried about Russia interfering with the general election than the DNC's possible interference with the primaries, as much as I hate the latter.

Are you also worried that Ted Cruz's father killed JFK


Jesus, the Hillary campaign has played you all like fiddles

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Are you also worried that Ted Cruz's father killed JFK


Jesus, the Hillary campaign has played you all like fiddles


I wouldn't be quite so glib about others here being played when you were one of the people ignoring the signs of DNC electoral fraud earlier in the year. When you bought into the narrative of 'Oh Sanders is insiting violence in his supporters, and he has to make them apologise'. You bought into the narrative as it was being spun Winter, more than anyone on the site really. 


Nor would I be so happy to insight an example of ludicrous that Trump started as the example of people in this thread being sheep. 


Electoral fraud happened, the DNC is crooked as is the GOP. It is an awful, but now is not the time to just mock others here for buying into a media narrative. It's a time for y'all stateside folks to get involved in politics at all scales and work to exact change. Not be petty children. There's a reason that inspite of all this s*** Sanders got 45% of the vote, and got a lot of people involved in politics because we as a generation want change. 



That story originated in the National Enquirer - has it occurred to you that maybe these tabloids are just making this stuff up?

That story got a lot of prominence when Trump used it against Cruz. Multiple times. 
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That story originated in the National Enquirer - has it occurred to you that maybe these tabloids are just making this stuff up?

You completely missed the my sarcasm. The whole "Trump and GOP is working for Putin" is as ridiculous as "Cruz's father helped kill JFK"




I wouldn't be quite so glib about others here being played when you were one of the people ignoring the signs of DNC electoral fraud earlier in the year. When you bought into the narrative of 'Oh Sanders is insiting violence in his supporters, and he has to make them apologise'. You bought into the narrative as it was being spun Winter, more than anyone on the site really.


Nor would I be so happy to insight an example of ludicrous that Trump started as the example of people in this thread being sheep.


Electoral fraud happened, the DNC is crooked as is the GOP. It is an awful, but now is not the time to just mock others here for buying into a media narrative. It's a time for y'all stateside folks to get involved in politics at all scales and work to exact change. Not be petty children. There's a reason that inspite of all this s*** Sanders got 45% of the vote, and got a lot of people involved in politics because we as a generation want change.




That story got a lot of prominence when Trump used it against Cruz. Multiple times.

Well lets get into that. Yeh, I bought the new story that sanders peeps were throwing chairs in Nevada, but I also bought the live tv footage of Sanders guy getting into fist fights with Trump guys in Chicago. Lets say it was all on me, do you guys really wanna be as stupid as another Trump supporter? I thought the narrative was that people were better than us gullible folk


Electoral Fraud happened, apparently security lapses happened. I'm mocking the fact seemingly the bigger problem is that "who leaked Clinton's bullshit" rather than "Why is Clinton knee deep in all this bullshit"


Also the simple logic break here baffles me. Russians Hack DNC (which at the time was written off as they're worried about Trump and don't have any info on him)


Wikileaks publishes the info now. You're ignoring a massive possibility of hands change, and buying into a 180 change on explanation. For his credit, president Obama is taking the high road and no peddling this sheet.


You're just as bad as Trump (@Cruz) if you eat this sheet up

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"Trump and GOP is working for Putin"

I never implied that.


I was saying that Trump was seemingly inviting a foreign leader (Putin) to interfere in our general election. (Plus I never said anything about the rest of the GOP)

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If Hillary is engaging in criminal behavior, why would you NOT want to know that?

No. I would want to know that. -- but I don't even know what you're referencing by "criminal behavior". The private server? The DNC leaks? I don't understand what you are referencing.

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No. I would want to know that. -- but I don't even know what you're referencing.

Maybe I'm misunderstand you.


I think, if the Russians have proof they got into the Clinton Email server, they should put that out. Her whole legitimacy on the Email scandal is nothing bad ended up happening. This would contradict that.


I'm not ok being cuckolded on that matter


It seems to me that you place a bigger emphasis on who is leaking the dirt, than on the dirt...which is buying into the Clinton Smokescreen

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Maybe I'm misunderstand you.


I think, if the Russians have proof they got into the Clinton Email server, they should put that out. Her whole legitimacy on the Email scandal is nothing bad ended up happening. This would contradict that.


I'm not ok being cuckolded on that matter


It seems to me that you place a bigger emphasis on who is leaking the dirt, than on the dirt...which is buying into the Clinton Smokescreen

To clear things up, I actually think the actual dirt - and it's legitimacy - is more important. I think it's just been we've been debating about the leakers.

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To clear things up, I actually think the actual dirt - and it's legitimacy - is more important. I think it's just been we've been debating about the leakers.

I apologize for my misunderstanding then.


Personally Idc who leaks it. Our people, the FBI, had their shot and they blew it. If the Russians have proof that they were able to get in an/or that Hillary lied about those email's content they should release it. 

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