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Another stab at an AMA

~British Soul~

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Do you ever feel that SPYRALs might end up being too niche? They are heavily implying it's some kind of anti-searching Archetype, yet, they could easily shift the direction of Ygo/etc and it would result in SPYRALs being flat-out useless.

SPYRALs could end up being a thing in the future, but at this point they're not exactly worth it, hopefully INOV gives them stuff that could make them somewhat decent. Mind Crush could be amusing with them

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are you still ded

Nope, still alive.


Can I have some tea?

Sure. *serves*


What would you say your signiture card is?

IRL, probs Stardust Dragon. (when I used it in Dragunity)


Any places you'd recommend people to visit in the UK (or England for that matter)?

London, Stonehenge, Blackpool (for the illuminations), just to name a couple.

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Guess I'll only be answering questions from Randos then.


What deck are you going to be playing once the format shifts to Primal Clash-on?


I'll be using the Mega Raquaza OTK and playing with the ante rule at my locals​


What's your favourite DT era archetype?

GISHKI! (It was a thing at locals where we would shout it which resulted in a chain)


Did you ever do creative writing at school?

Sometimes during English lessons when I was 14 iirc, but those stories were crap imo, and most of them were unfinished. Can't even remember what I wrote about, but I remember creating a universe where the stories would've taken place, but looking back it seemed non-sensical.


Who is your digimon waifu?


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Time for more questions from randos;




What's the stupidest thing you have ever gotten a detention for at school?

Forging adult signatures, definitely.




Thoughts on the restriction of Doctroid Refros?


​I'm not surprised they're restricting it given the rise of Angel Feather decks. Ever since the card came out, I didn't really enjoy games against Angels. Heck I had faster games of solitaire than the time it takes the Angel Feather player to finish their turn.

​Yes, I'm exaggerating. But it's a good hit nonetheless.

(Why I answered that as GR-X is beyond me)




What are you hoping to obtain from the TDIL sneak peek this weekend?


SPYRALs, Metalfoes, just to name a few... oh and RDA Tyrant.

(So apparently I'm answering every TCG-related question as GR-X now, even though it has nothing to do with the PTCG)




What did you think of the first episode of the new series of Robot Wars?

I thought it was fantastic. A number of guys from locals thought it was great as well. Oh and the fights were good as well.

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