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.:::The Fortuna Bar:::.

Cyber Altair

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[align=center].:::The Fortuna Inn:::.

Welcome to .:::The Fortuna Bar:::., we are proudly affiliated with .:::The Fortuna Weekly:::. Please enjoy our wonderful service and cheap prices and all the amazing offers for our subscribers.


Currently we have to workers who happen to be the Co-Owners of .:::The Fortuna Weekly:::.


Cyber Altair



* DM banners are not sold here AT ALL. mabye avi's but not banners.

*New* * Only one order at a time



Azmania isn't currently avaliable, we are sorry.


Now remember that you will have to pay to the person who will do your order, please do not get confused and just in case we will help you understand how.





Product:- Banner 1

Info:- 2

Payment:- 5 points3 (3 points)4

Payment To:- CA5



1 Product

2 Tell us about the product you want, like text, pictures to be used and any notes you would like to give. Please remember to be reasonable.

3 Payment for Normal Members

4 Payment for Subscribers

5 Person you will have to be for

CD stands for Cyber Altair

Azm stands for Azmania2260

6 Example of the Product


Now that you are fimiliar for the payment methord you might want to know how do you Subscribe, piece of cake. Simply click the links below to pay for either Cyber Altair (me) or Azmania2206. Add the reason as "Subscription for .:::The Fortuna Weekly:::." and you will be added to our list of subscriber's, and not only you will get discounts at our shop, .:::The Fortuna Bar:::. but you will get to enter Raffle Draw's and many other fancy stuff and might also get a chance to get interviewed at .:::The Fortuna Weekly:::. by Cyber Altair (me).

Click Here to donate to CD

Click Here to donate to Azm


Have you ever wanted to give a gift to a member you like as a thank you but dont know what they might like or your not a good artist. Just buy them a gift card and give it to them, note that the gift coupons will contain a small border to ensure that no one will rip the images and use them.


5 points gift card



10 points gift card



20 points gift card




Now enough talk and lets start ordering shall we. Remember to use the form.




Product:- Banner


Payment:- 6 points (3 points)

Payment To:- CA

[x] [x] [x]




Product:- Avatar


Payment:- 4 points (2 points)

Payment To:- CA

[x] [x] [x]




Product:- Game Covers

Formats to chose from:- PS3, X-BOX 360, PS2, PSP, DS, Wii, X-BOX, GAMECUBE


Payment:- 5 points (3 points)

Payment To:- Azm





Product:- Deck List


Payment:- 5 points (3 points)

Payment To:- Azm




Product:- Deck Help


Payment:- 5 points (3 points)

Payment To:- Azm




Product:- Previous issues of .:::The Fortuna Weekly:::.


Payment:- 5 points (3 points)

Payment To:- Azm



Start ordering and don't forget to visit .:::The Fortuna Weekly:::.

(I may use them, but not as the theme for my deck)



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  • Replies 118
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Hey, I just posted a request for a banner in the shops/request section, so maybe you could try it out CD (or CA now :P)? If you want me to make an actual request in this thread, let me know and I will, but in the meantime, here's a link to the request:



Let me know if you can do it, can't do it, or if you need more info.

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you can still call me CD if you want.


i usally dont do DM's but for you browarod' date=' i'll do it ;)


shall be ready in what?....... say 2 hours max.


Aw, thanks CD! I look forward to seeing your marvelous creation ^_^

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np. remember i will post my banner here.

That's fine. I have been checking both this thread and my actual request thread anyway.


Is it really only 6 points for a banner?

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Hey may I use my gift card here?


Can I have:


2 banners



Theme:Based around the Alien monsters

Renders: Alien mother and Alien Skull

Text:Wilson91, master of the unknown.

Colours: Green and Black



Theme: Alien again

renders: Alien Hunter and Cosmic horror Gangiiell.

Text: Wilson91

Colours: Green and black.


Also, do you do tutorials for GIMP? If not, i'll take all that.



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Mmm.. I'm bored. =D


Product:- Banner

Info:- Mmm..

-Image: Utada Hikaru, you can render it, or you can make a stock signature, whichever. =p

-Color: Whatever suites the color flow. =p

-Text: N/A

-Size: 398 x 124, w/ 1 x 7 border. {Black, like my rest.}

-Use C4D's ^.^

-No jitter, please. =p

-{Optional...} No brush. =pp

-I believe I can trust your decision with the rest. =p


Payment:- 6 points (3 points) 20 if I like it, 10 if it's so-so, 6 if it's a meh...

Payment To:- CA

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Sorry for the trouble, but could you possibly change the banners to pyro themed?


Renders:Solar Flare dragon and Infernal Flame emperor.

Style: Fiery

Colours: red and black


Renders: Ultimate baseball kid and Uria, lord of searing flames

Style: fiery

Colours: red and black.


Sorry for the trouble, will add 2 reps on if you can do it!

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