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Foster the Land

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For God made the firmament, and through God we shall bring it back.


This was a spell concocted by me and ordained by the grace of God.


For thou shalt need:


Tears of a loveless soul


Pure Salt


Holy Water


An apple seed


The tears that Eve shed as she betrayed the Lord and was without his love, the holy water to draw the righteousness of the spell unto God, the pure salt of the land Eve and Adam awoke upon as they looked from their eviction of Eden, and an apple seed of the fruit Eve so selfishly feasted upon. The concoction of tears, holy water, and salt should be mixed into a bowl as a spell should be cast:




Dip the seed into the concoction and plant it. The apple that grows shalt gift thee enlightenment through its taste. This is the apple of the lamb and must be treated as such.







Writing my own grimoire and this is one of the spells. Just a snippet and one of the basic spells, nothing crazy. That and I am slightly bored and I have always said I would eventually write one.

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