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Turkish Military Coup


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Well, the rebels are saying they want to restore constitutional rights and secular government. 'Course, who knows if that's actually the goal...


Well I mean, constitutional and secular governments are how the entire world should operate. That being said, Turkey's hated it's president for a while. Not surprised. I just hope this is resolved and doesn't end up in a civil war. The last thing the world needs is two civil wars happening right on top of each other bleeding into each other and causing a huge clusterfuck. Hopefully the military doesn't attack civilians and non-combatants, you know, the usual yadayada Geneva Conventions etc.

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Well I mean, constitutional and secular governments are how the entire world should operate. That being said, Turkey's hated it's president for a while. Not surprised. I just hope this is resolved and doesn't end up in a civil war. The last thing the world needs is two civil wars happening right on top of each other bleeding into each other and causing a huge clusterf***. Hopefully the military doesn't attack civilians and non-combatants, you know, the usual yadayada Geneva Conventions etc.

I'm not saying the military's stated goal is bad, I'm just saying military coups have far from a 100% "good results" rate. Regardless of what they say they want to do.


It could also be that I'm being paranoid and they really do want to make Turkey great again, so to speak.

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Well I mean, constitutional and secular governments are how the entire world should operate. That being said, Turkey's hated it's president for a while. Not surprised. I just hope this is resolved and doesn't end up in a civil war. The last thing the world needs is two civil wars happening right on top of each other bleeding into each other and causing a huge clusterf***. Hopefully the military doesn't attack civilians and non-combatants, you know, the usual yadayada Geneva Conventions etc.

I mean Erdogan really really really REALLY ignored the idea of secularism, freedom of press, and limited presidential power, I mean he has something like top 5 biggest list of journalists jailed in the world.

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If it means Ergodan gets ousted from power that's an incredibly good thing. Ergodan was one of the scarier current world leaders in the direction he was taking his country, namely in the direction of Islamic Extremism. It's one instance where removing the government may be the sane idea if the army doesn't become a dictatorship. It will also be a coup that has the unofficial support of most of the world leaders I imagine, especially in Europe. The worry is obviously that this isn't resolved quickly, and Turkey devolves as a result of it - If this goes on for longer than say a month, it's really worrying. 


What an interesting year.


EDIT: Yeah the Turkish military essentially views itself as defenders of a Secular Turkey. Anytime a president tries to hard to push away from that idea, the military steps in and attempts to solve the issue. Because Turkey is a fairly secular Islamic nation despite being led by a radical. So it's not that unsuprising given Ergodan is essentially an ISIS supporter in all but name and has done a lot to shift the country away from secularlism. A military coup was overdue. I think there was a coup like this back in the early 2000's so it's not that uncommon. 


It's actually kinda admirable.

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Worse than that the coup is now being used to dismiss or discredit the countries Secular democratic organisations - Already 3000 soldiers have been arrested (Many being beaten in the streets), 2475 judges have been fired, and arrest warrants issued for 140 Supreme Court members. 


So Ergodan might actually manage to solidify his position and undermine the democratic process (Turning it towards Islamic facism) after having fought off the coup. Which is a kick in the teeth. 


Oh and the possibility exists that Turkey and the US may be at war. 

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2700 Judges have been removed from office whilst 2800 soldiers have been detained. 


Whether this coup was staged or not (There's a semi compelling argument for it), there is no doubt that Ergodan just solidified his power and will probably drive Turkey in the wrong direction. So yay Fundamental Islamic nations with access to nuclear warheads and a gradually decreasing secular legal system that also happens to be a NATO member. 


Best case is probably a second successful Coup on behalf of the military, worst case is ISIS basically takes over Turkey and the real fun begins.



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So I am bumping this thread because this is essentially all the confirmation needed on top of the mass removal of those in the legal or education systems to the fact that Ergodan either knew of the coup or plotted the coup and used it to shore up control of the country. 


Turkey as a Democracy is probably on it's way out. Which is... problematic. 

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