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Stephen King's It (2017 remake)

Face McShooty

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  • 3 weeks later...

all i want is for them to properly get his character down. if they're gonna do a remake, then they have to make sure he, at the very least, remains the same as he was back then.


Unrealistic.  It won't even be the same actor more than likely.  The Clown will be changed.  Just hope it's for the better.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

For a teaser, that trailer sure showed quite a bit. I, unlike everyone else, am glad they didn't have Pennywise speak in this trailer. They need to hold off on that til the final trailer or tv spot. Keep fans curious. I'm not a huge horror fan, but I honestly wouldn't mind going to see this

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Here you go boys. The official trailer.


from what i'm seeing, i like it. in fact, i may love it. it looks like it's keeping true to the original story/movie. also, hopefully they keep the CG to a minimum. i want barebones old school horror, not CG massacre.


Unrealistic.  It won't even be the same actor more than likely.  The Clown will be changed.  Just hope it's for the better.

late as all hell, but i should have clarified that, when i said i hope it remains the same, i meant, i hope they don't change the overall feel of pennywise. in the original movie, he was pure evil, but he had a sort of "fun" with his role, and his murders. what made him so scary was how swiftly his tone and actions could be at times. a jolly clown playing insanely dark pranks just to terrify you one moment, into a complete clusterf*** of a nightmare, hellbent on capturing and killing you a split second later.


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  • 4 months later...

I'm kinda dissapointed at how bad The Dark Tower has been getting, which means hopefully IT might be the only thing that will save the Stephen King Cinematic Universe. The Dark Universe is already bound to fail but the Stephen King Cinematic Universe is diverse with full of various creature. They should've just adapted the first book instead of adapting all 5 books into a 90 MINUTE movie. Also the point of the Dark Tower is that its the area which connects all the multiverse of Stephen King, with IT and Randall Flagg being the contenders of the vilest villains in the multiverse. 


Anyone caught that CUJO reference in the trailer?

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I don't think anyone would be able to be It like the original actor. He was just so good! That is the one thing that might hold me back from watching this remake.

Bill Skaarsgard isn't portraying the same Pennywise that Tim Curry did, the one he's portraying is more evil and sinister, which has me curious

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