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Azmania2260's Monthly Card Maker's Cup


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Welcome to the Monthly Card Maker's Cup

Welcome to the Monthly Card Maker's Cup


Every month, I hold a cup, with a chance for you to win big prizes, and be named the Fortuna Weekly's Card Maker of the Month, and even get a special interview.


I require 16 players that fit these needs:


- Be 3 stars or higher

- Have at least 5 reps


If fit these requirements, you can enter.


All you need to do is pay me 2 points to enter.




1. Lucas Maximus

2. 72night

3. ultimateryan

4. Frlf

5. bobscholtz911911

6. Shadow Avian

7. liverpool rule

8. sythcaris




9. hunterb

10. Spirit of D.M.G.

11. Enigma Zero

12. Grayall








This month's prizes:


WINNER - Game Cover, 20 points, 3 reps.

Interview, and named Card Maker of the Month


Remember, there can only be 1 winner, so enter!

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Thank you all. Joenorman, unfortunately, I have to disallow you from the contest, you have no reps. The reason i made the reps at least 5 is because I want well behaved and experienced players. You've been here since December with not a single rep comes dissapointing.


7 more people, and this contest is a go go!

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Awesome. We have good rvialry. Do realize, the final round is a three way: Me, and the 2 finalists.


Knocked out players choose the worst card between the three. If it's not me, the final is placed versus me. If I win again, the contest winner is the other finalist, but he/she get reduced points.

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