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This Era of Anime and Manga Is Over?

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Im quite indifferent on this one, never paid much attention to Shonen Jump or a lot of big modern names. Granted if Shonen Jump falls down then theyll still exist and still continue making stuff, just they wont be the number one which I really dont see why it would be a big problem for fans considering how their favorite company will still produce material regardless of their place so long as they dont crash and burn which I doubt will happen. Honestly it was really only a matter of time before certain shows were finally put to an end as im pretty sure that the company wanted to focus on getting other projects in the way and its really doubtful that Shonen Jump would decide to end so much of their big selling material if they didnt have big things up their sleeve that they may possibly not be revealing and even if they dont I see no reason why to panic or care so much that they wont be the number 1 company considering how theyll still be a company and still produce material.

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