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Fusion X. Denver

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My friend's dog passed away this morning and it's such a shame. He was this little Pomeranian and he had the cutest bark out of any dogs I've met.


I actually used to be seriously scared of dogs when I was a kid. My friend got a bernese poodle (or something, it's blonde) as a puppy and she helped me get over my phobia and now I pretty much love most dogs.

[spoiler=This is my cousin's dog, my favorite one]

Name's Tahoe.





Discuss dogs, whether they're your own or not. Pics are welcome.

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I used to be similar. I liked dogs at first, then I got bitten by my uncle's mutt, so I became uneasy with dogs. But then my neighbor came over with a her Shih Tzu, and I spent a bit of time with it (gave him water, let him sit on my lap, pet him). And afterwards, my relations with dogs improved. One of my relatives even has a dog that accompanies me whenever I go to the store.

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I had a mutt named Soma a long time ago.  I was like 10.  I loved him to death.  He died shortly after Katrina.  I love dogs tho.  I kinda wanna invest in a puppy but it'll have to wait until after I move.

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