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IDK about TCG, but its in everything OCG side and the extra card really helps push the advent of the t1 fields

Decks with a lot of limited power/vital cards wont run it, but thats not much of a restriction


It was fine before it became clear that Omega could work with it. Like, Burial can only return monsters, and the game doesn't know if your face down banished card is a monster or not. So you can't use burial. Necroface and Omega just care if the card is banished or not.

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So basically everyone who hasn't purchased Solemn Strike yet (me) is gonna have to put in a home loan to get this.


No idea how many I would play though.




As far as the actual card is concerned, I believe you can look at your banished facedown cards, but your opponent can't. I'm not sure how Burial from the Different Dimension would work with it, though.

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​I dunno why there wasn't a topic on this last night...

Too apathetic?




It's a Normal Spell Card that allows you to draw 2 cards at the risk of banishing cards that you really needed/could have used. But if I remember well, you could use PSY-Framelord Omega to return them to the Graveyard.

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What will make or break This card is if they print it as a Rare or Secret Rare.

Rare, and people won't hype it as much and just think of this card as goofy pack filler.

Secret Rare, and people will hype the ever living funk out of This card, and rush to maindeck like 5 copies of This card.


It will literally be Duality all over again.

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So basically everyone who hasn't purchased Solemn Strike yet (me) is gonna have to put in a home loan to get this.


No idea how many I would play though.




As far as the actual card is concerned, I believe you can look at your banished facedown cards, but your opponent can't. I'm not sure how Burial from the Different Dimension would work with it, though.

It doesn't, but Omega does :)





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Wait, people decided this card was good? I was of the opinion it was garbage.


My understanding is that drawing 2 cards is incredibly important, because a lot of the cards in your Deck you're not likely to see anyway in the course of a Duel, because Duels don't last long enough for them to matter.


However, it's probably not a card you want to use if your Deck relies very heavily on Limited or key cards. I honestly can't think of any Deck I have that I'd genuinely want to use this in, but I play mostly semi-casual undermeta Decks like Fluffal, Galaxy, Heraldic Beasts, etc, which do a lot of searching and require components to still BE in the Deck to run effectively.

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Wait, people decided this card was good? I was of the opinion it was garbage.

Nah, a good amount of players realized it was good off the bat, although unsure how good. For example, it was very clearly a good card in Shiranui, because it was a (potential) hand fixer while also banishing a sword for omega to put it back.


Decks like D/D, which crave the advantage and don't have a large amount of good filler cards, some Metalfoe variants, and others use it because a cheap +1 is worth it.


It's only bad in decks like Performapal (searches/techs galore) or decks dependent on limited cards you can't lose, for the most part.


Not even unplayable in ABC, though not optimal.

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Doesn't that apply to, like, every deck?M I RITE!?

Nah, Blue Eyes, DDD and Metals run multiples of everything they need.


Look at a deck like Shaddolls if you want an example of where not to Run Cupidity


Heroes are the odd one, but that's cause they have Dude and the two major limited cards get burnt out fast

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Search your sheet, pop out a board, do this, set your backrow you drew. Kind of like a Demise in theory but without a nasty drawback, except if deck thinning is something you can't do or handle. Though I've had unlucky experiences with this (banishing all my funking Hangars and Blue Eyes), it's still too good extending a lot of plays as well as drawing into backrow cards you don't expect opening at first. Definitely going to be a big hit in TCG after Alternative drops.

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