.Rai Posted July 8, 2016 Report Share Posted July 8, 2016 http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/card-image-gallery/eldritch-moon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Resident Fascist Posted July 8, 2016 Report Share Posted July 8, 2016 ...did they justreprint wild mongrel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rodrigo Posted July 8, 2016 Report Share Posted July 8, 2016 ...did they justreprint wild mongrel You're late to the party friend Yes they did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Resident Fascist Posted July 8, 2016 Report Share Posted July 8, 2016 You're late to the party friend Yes they did wild mongrel still has better flavour text, and has a special place in my heart compared to this generic nope rope ;-; rip mongrel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
(GigaDrillBreaker) Posted July 8, 2016 Report Share Posted July 8, 2016 I mean, it dies to terror, so it is pretty much trash Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flame Dragon Posted July 8, 2016 Report Share Posted July 8, 2016 So, looking over the full spoiler, nothing that interesting was left. Still need to make a couple more passes for commander and cube changes though so something might still catch my eye. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sixty Posted July 8, 2016 Report Share Posted July 8, 2016 since nobody else will do it, here we go: full (limited) set review (or at least all the stuff spoiled today, not prior spoilers): BORROWED GRACE -- After playing with Rally the Peasants in EMA limited, this card's first mode alone can win the game if you have a wide board. Two at once is a real winning move. CHOKING RESTRAINTS -- A very interesting take on Pacifism. It's fine if you want to keep it on a big creature, but it can help nuke the creature if it has activated or triggered abilities. Fuels delirium. DESPERATE SENTRY -- Solid card. Leaves a nice body when it dies, rewards delirium, and all for three mana. Works with human strategies. DROGSKOL SHIELDMATE -- There's been a lot of times I've blocked as favorably as I can, and even then I'm trading at least a few creatures. The extra toughness boost can help keep your board intact during an alpha swing, no matter who's swinging. FAITH UNBROKEN -- I never thought I'd see a Journey to Nowhere effect on an aura. Looks solid. FAITHBEARER PALADIN -- Fills out the higher curve, probably 9th or so pick. It goes without saying Lone Rider is a little better, but that's an unfair comparison. If nothing else, this actually helps flip your Lone Riders. FIEND BINDER -- Tap on attack creatures are great in limited. Having 2 toughness can be a bummer, since you're probably tapping their emerged eldrazi to get in for some damage but will end up trading this with a zombie token. GEIST OF THE LONELY VIGIL -- Great two drop, rewards delirium albeit lightly. Will hold off a lot in early combat. GIVE NO GROUND -- More or less a fog unless your opponent attacks into this early and it blows up in their face. GUARDIAN OF PILGRIMS -- Kinsbale Skirmisher as a spirit is fine. Bears are good. IRONCLAD SLAYER -- There are a few naturalize effects running around in this format, and returning your Slayer's Plate is good. So is returning your Faith Unbroken or Choking Restraints IRONWRIGHT'S CLEANSING -- So Ironclad Slayer can't help you against this, but getting permanently rid of some of the enchantments in this format is key. LUNARCH MANTLE -- This is a hell of a two drop enchantment. Will help towards delirium greatly and help get some damage off early in the game. REPEL THE ABOMINABLE -- It shouldn't be that hard to draft humans, where this will be an incredible trick. SIGARDIAN PREIST -- Sigarda-shifted Avacynian Priest. Cheap tappers are incredible. SPECTRAL RESERVES -- A little on the costly side, but the 2 life isn't nothing, and the chump blockers should "gain" you more life than that. STEADFAST CATHAR -- Great card for teaching newer players which creatures should be attacking and which shouldn't. This one should. THRABEN STANDARD BEARER -- Fuels delirium and madness for some humans. Not terrible, but shouldn't blow anyone away. ADVANCED STITCHWING -- More advanced than Stitchwing Skaab, to be sure. Same abilities as before, just with more toughness. CONTINGENCY PLAN -- Taigam's Scheming returns, and fuels delirium instead of delve. Not a high pick, most likely your 23rd card if you really need it, and don't mind Jace staring into your soul while it's in your hand. CONVOLUTE -- Reprint. Will more than likely counter what you want to counter early on, and you'll have to be more careful with it later in the game. DISPLACE -- There's some great ETB effects in this set, and this will be great if you can grab some of those. Instant speed lets it be a combat trick too. DRAG UNDER -- Watch out meld cards (besides Brisela), this card will ruin their day. Solid cantrip removal. ENLIGHTENED MANIAC -- The 0/2 is a good chumper, while the 3/2 can get in more aggressively. EXULTANT CULTIST -- A Grey Ogre that draws on death is a fine limited pick. Combos with emerge. FOGWALKER -- Freeze ETB effects are always solid, especially when it's a 1/3 for two with evasion. Does not tap them, however, so make sure you plan around that. GEIST OF THE ARCHIVES -- Solid blocker with a great effect. 4th or 5th pick. LABORATORY BRUTE -- Very small chance that this guy just gets you delirium first try, but this is more for the zombie archetype than delirium. NEBELGAST HERALD -- A cheap Kapsho Kitefins for spirits. Plays very well if you're heavily in spirits, but probably won't push you towards them if you pick this early on. SCOUR THE LABORATORY -- With delirium, this is nuts. Without delirium, this is slightly less nuts but still nuts. SPONTANEOUS MUTATION -- Can easily blank their biggest creature, or keep a combat damage triggered ability at bay. TATTERED HAUNTER -- Welkin Tern as a ghost. Solid filler for a blue deck. BOON OF EMRAKUL -- Removal in most cases, pump in fringe cases. Very flexible, though better as a removal spell as it gets enchantment crossed off the delirium list. CERTAIN DEATH -- 6 drop removal is playable always, especially if has a 4 point life swing involved. DUSK FEASTER -- Not particularly playable without delirium, but black is a color associated with delirium, and it's a vampire, and a 4/5 flyer for five might be worth it. GAVONY UNHALLOWED -- Starts out solid enough as a Pillarfield Ox, where it will only get bigger from there. GRAF HARVEST -- This will probably push you into zombies on its own. Very powerful enchantment that will reward you for playing the tribe, or will just produce its own zombies. Overall a great card. LILIANA'S ELITE -- On the other side of the coin from Gavony Unhallowed, this too will get bigger, but later ones will come in bigger. MARKOV CRUSADER -- Being a five drop, if you're in the vampire game, this will be an easy pick and solid turn 5. PRYING QUESTIONS -- I have some prying questions for the art description, not a fan of Macaroni Mouth. However, blanking their next turn if they have a card in hand and draining 3 is alright, but is a lot worse when they are already topdecking. RISE FROM THE GRAVE -- Great reprint. Keep in mind this reanimates anything, and makes it into a zombie, so it's a great pick whether you're going zombies or not. RUTHLESS DISPOSAL -- An answer to Emrakul, yeah, but ironically this will also ruthlessly dispose of your board if you're sitting on it while they control your turn. If there's no Emmy in sight, then this is fine removal for very large threats, but it's a 3 for 2. SKIRSDAG SUPPLICANT -- Madness enabler, and helps any Cryptolith Fragments you might have lying around flip over. STRANGE AUGMENTATION -- A permanent Giant Growth (with delirium) is pretty good; however, this is pretty mediocre without. SUCCUMB TO TEMPTATION -- Instant Sign in Blood is great, and will probably replace Read the Bones after rotation. Great in limited, will be great in constructed in time. THRABEN FOULBLOODS -- Decent costed zombie doggos with decent delirium effect? Sign me up. VAMPIRE CUTTHROAT -- It's got some decent abilities, but chances are they're gonna play a 1/x by turn one or two at least, and this won't get much mileage on its own. WEIRDED VAMPIRE -- The only way I see this being good is if you have a free discard outlet and flash this in for blocks. Otherwise, late pick if you're fishing for vampires. ABANDON REASON -- Great combat trick with or without madness. ALCHEMIST'S GREETING -- Hello. You'd have to be mad to hard cast this. BLOOD MIST -- Giving out an Assault Strobe every one of your combats is great, at the fact it works right away (assuming you cast it first main phase) helps it out a lot. BOLD IMPALER -- If you're grasping for vampiric straws, this one will do. BORROWED HOSTILITIES -- Give your Permeating Mass either mode to kill any creature it's blocking/blocked by. In all other cases, a fine combat trick. BRAZEN WOLVES -- This is also an aggro creature, but holding it back isn't a bad idea if your opponent's board has some x/5's. DERANGED WHELP -- This is a good two drop, will shave some life before getting destroyed by any two creatures ever. DISTEMPER OF THE BLOOD -- Much better with madness, but not terrible without. Prime Mirrorwing Dragon spell. FURYBLADE VAMPIRE -- Here's a decent attacker, discard outlet, and vampire all in one. Keep your eyes out for madness spells when you pick this guy up. IMPETUOUS DEVILS -- Here's our last rare. It's a Ball Lightning that can force a block. Basically a burn spell with trample. INSATIABLE GORGER -- In the same vein as Weirded Vampire, this is the end of the line for vampires. Juggernaut isn't terrible in limited though, so it's a little higher up than the other mediocre choices. OTHERWORLDLY OUTBURST -- This can help force a trade and leave you with a 3/2, which is a lot of utility for one red. PROPHETIC RAVINGS -- Mad Prophet on an aura makes him a little worse, but at the very least gives haste. Not a miserable discard outlet either. SAVAGE ALLIANCE -- Yeeowzah, this is a powerful uncommon. All modes are indicative of a hard aggro strategy. SHREDS OF SANITY -- I like this card a lot, will probably slot one into Wort EDH. Lets you reuse old madness spells, or draws your removal and enables madness or delirium. Exiles itself because multiple would be unreasonable. SPREADING FLAMES -- I wouldn't sneeze at the 7 mana cost, at instant speed this could blow one out. However, there is better removal than this, just watch out for it in the late game. STENSIA BANQUET -- Now this card would push you into vampires. Dealing even four damage off of this is good, and if you use it after an alpha strike it might just kill them. Also it's a cantrip, which is always a plus. STENSIA INNKEEPER -- An interesting take on land destruction in red; land "occupying." Can be fairly bothersome for your opponent, especially if you lock them out of their second color for a couple turns. THERMO-ALCHEMIST -- There is definitely a UR spellslinger archetype, and this guy is a solid choice all around for it. Having multiples will ping your opponent out very quickly. WEAVER OF LIGHTNING -- Also in the same vein, this guy will knock out some x/1s or more if you're dedicated to the UR strategy. Also blocks a lot of early flyers. BACKWOODS SURVIVALISTS -- Already good on its own, but with delirium it can be a force. BLOODBRIAR -- This card will scream to you if you've already picked up an Emrakul's Evangel or a Voldaren Pariah, and otherwise with enough sacrifice effects in the block this shouldn't have trouble getting huge. CLEAR SHOT -- Premium green removal. Pumps your guy and doesn't even let him get damaged by shooting the enemy guy. CROSSROAD CONSECRATOR -- Anointer of Champions was decent in Origins, so this guy should do well enough in a human strategy. FOUL EMISSARY -- Pretty solid card with great abilities. Keep in mind that if you sacrifice him while casting an emerge spell, regardless of whether you sac'd him to emerge or not, you still get the 3/2. HAMLET CAPTAIN -- An awesome reprint that will push a human strategy to victory. PRIMAL DRUID -- I got really excited until I saw it was a death trigger, but it's still a solid blocker and can be killed off a number of ways to get a free land. SOMBERWALD STAG -- One of the better answers to a Permeating Mass, but also a good answer to other problem creatures as well (as long as they're x/4's or less). SPRINGSAGE RITUAL -- Belongs in sideboard. The four mana cost is a little steep, but it will repay with 4 life at least. SWIFT SPINNER -- Flash and reach are two very wonderful abilities together, and although he's also a four drop, he's pretty solid. WAXING MOON -- This will be ridiculous with any Eldrazi-wolf, skipping the steep transform costs for only two mana. Giving the board trample is a wonderful bonus too. WOODCUTTER'S GRIT -- Helpful combat trick that would probably shine best in a scenario where your biggest creature getting in for 6 or something gets targeted by a removal spell, then this blows that up. WOODLAND PATROL -- Fine human filler. Good on offense and defense. ABUNDANT MAW -- Gotta love ol Siege Rhino on a 6/4 for a potential one black mana. :( DROWNYARD BEHEMOTH -- ELDRAZI CRAB! One of two. This will be a great combat trick. IT OF THE HORRID SWARM -- Awesome Eldrazi names are back. This one isn't particularly amazing, but getting some chump blockers is always good. MOCKERY OF NATURE -- I could see this potentially used in Commander decks to replace the likes of Indrik Stomphowler and co. At least in Animar, anyways. VEXING SCUTTLER -- Second Eldrazi Crab! A Mnemonic Wall is good, especially in the UR archetype. EXTRICATOR OF SIN // EXTRICATOR OF FLESH -- I really like this guy. Fuels delirium, provides bodies, and the flip side is great on its own. Overall great card. CONDUIT OF STORMS // CONDUIT OF EMRAKUL -- Interesting in that it can help transform itself a turn earlier than normal, and either side is a fine choice. Will shine in the spellslinger decks. SHRILL HOWLER // HOWLING CHORUS -- It's ability means nothing smaller will trade with it, and it will usually trade up. Once it transforms though, it becomes a lot tougher to deal with, and gradually growing an army while it whittles away your life total is a crummy juncture. TANGLECLAW WEREWOLF // FIBROUS ENTANGLER -- The front side isn't really anything special, but the back side will ruin combat for the opponent as an all-in-one threat. CATHAR'S SHIELD -- It's Accorder's Shield, just planeshifted. Not amazing, will fill your 22-23rd if you need it. CULTIST'S STAFF -- A decent enough equipment that will make your threats bigger and your smaller things able to hold their own. FIELD CREEPER -- I love the artwork, it's so surreal for a Magic card. This is a one-way ticket to being halfway to delirium. GEIST-FUELED SCARECROW -- Being a 4/4 for 4 generic means the downside has to be there. It's a solid creature that puts your other creatures in hand a turn behind, but at least if it dies you're halfway to delirium. SLAYER'S CLEAVER -- This will help put a dent in any large Eldrazi-wolf or otherwise, but chances are your creature will bite the dust too. TERRARION -- Wasn't expecting this card to show back up. It's a fine enough filterer if you need it, and puts an artifact in the graveyard, but it's something you can expect to be passed to you. THIRSTING AXE -- A very powerful equipment with an interesting clause that makes you unable to punch your opponent repeatedly with unblockable creatures. Saccing the creature isn't the end of the world though, and putting this on a relevant death trigger will prove hard for your opponent to choose whether to block and keep it around, or take the 4+whatever and let you get the trigger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Faytl~ Posted July 9, 2016 Report Share Posted July 9, 2016 I just know I REEEEALLY want that Blood Mist. Imagine THAT stacked with Odric, Lunarch Marshal. Holy crap. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted July 9, 2016 Report Share Posted July 9, 2016 Rest of the set seems pretty juicy. A few cards that weren't previously spoiled that stand out: Courageous Outrider: Hey, we get a Ringleader for humans! Only getting one card off of him is made up for by the fact that the body's much more substantial. Repel the Abominable: Wizards really loves the humans this block. This is a fantastic combat trick and will blow out many a Limited game. Wouldn't be surprised if it even sees Standard play. Displace: The fact that they printed this has interesting implications for Pauper. It means we'll not see a Ghostly Flicker ban if Peregrine Drake needs to be killed, since this is Flicker 5-8 (even though the deck doesn't play more than 3). Frankly that's a good sign: Flicker isn't busted in isolation. Scour the Laboratory: Jace's Ingenuity is a solid card for one more mana, but getting it for one less is super spicy. Spontaneous Mutation: Sensory Deprivation was an incredibly solid limited pick back in ISD and M14, and this blows it out of the water. Graf Harvest: Didn't know I needed this until I saw it. Zombies tend towards a zerg rush strategy anyways, so cutting your opponent's blocking capabilities in half for just one mana is super powerful. The token-generating ability is just gravy and allows for surprise blocks. Succumb to Temptation: Instant speed Night's Whisper is pretty good, but damn, that's the most homoerotic art I think I've ever seen on a Magic card... well, ever. Otherworldly Outburst: Super underrated combat trick. Note that you can target any creature, not just your own. Will definitely want to fiddle with this in a RDW or heroic build for Pauper. Thermo-Alchemist: Pauper burn just got a fancy new toy to play with. Goblin Fireslinger and Curse of the Pierced Heart were already playable, and this can deal much more damage over the course of a game. Only problem is that it turns on your opponent's removal - Keldon Marauders and Insolent Neonate both die regardless of your opponent's interaction, whereas the alchemist wants to stick around. I'll be testing him nevertheless. Hamlet Captain: Admittedly a solid reprint, but do humans need any more help in Standard? =___= Field Creeper: Bronze Sable has never been exciting, but damn, that art is easily top 5 for the block. Terrarion: Was good in OG Ravnica, and should still be good here - albeit less so since multicolor isn't as much a priority. Finally, stuff I want to pick up for various purposes is below. Newly-spoiled cards are underlined. Odric EDH: Selfless Spirit; Sigarda's AidGisa and Geralf EDH: Cryptbreaker; Fortune's Favor; Geier Reach Sanitarium; Graf Harvest; Noosegraf MobPauper Toolbox: Bloodbriar; Grapple with the Past; Otherworldly Outburst; Spontaneous Mutation; Thermo-Alchemist; Wretched GryffOther stuff to have on hand: Eldritch Evolution; Imprisoned in the Moon; Scour the Laboratory; Spell Queller; Splendid Reclamation; Thalia, Heretical Cathar; Wharf Infiltrator Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sixty Posted July 9, 2016 Report Share Posted July 9, 2016 y'know what, i'm tempted to try and run abundant maw (leech rhino) in constructed. saccing a 3 drop to emerge makes it cost 4 anyway, and there's no shortage of 3 drops in the format. 4 toughness is worse than 5, and there's no trample, but it still seems alright. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Resident Fascist Posted July 11, 2016 Report Share Posted July 11, 2016 someone who's savvy with limited, please tell me what the good cards are in this set. prerelease is this weekend and i have no draft experience at all Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted July 11, 2016 Report Share Posted July 11, 2016 someone who's savvy with limited, please tell me what the good cards are in this set. prerelease is this weekend and i have no draft experience at all Prerelease is Sealed, iirc. 4 EMN packs, 2 SOI packs. I'm watching some review videos, will have some thoughts up on what I'd value in Limited/Sealed in a bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Amazing Avian Posted July 11, 2016 Report Share Posted July 11, 2016 Pre release is sealed pool. You open all your stuff and build a 40 card deck out of what you got. Drafts happen later usually. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted July 15, 2016 Report Share Posted July 15, 2016 So, story-wise, what happened once Emrakul was imprisoned in the moon? Did all of the transformed Eldrazi critters just die or turn back to normal or what? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flame Dragon Posted July 15, 2016 Report Share Posted July 15, 2016 We don't know. My guess is the linger around and still need to be killed since I'm pretty sure that is what happened on Zendikar. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cardgameking Posted July 15, 2016 Report Share Posted July 15, 2016 Question: Is it possible for one of these Eldrazified people to have their spark awaken and become a Planeswalker? Seems like a neat way to keep 'em relevant, be having a Planeswalker determined to revive them. Also, any idea where is the story going from here? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flame Dragon Posted July 15, 2016 Report Share Posted July 15, 2016 Question: Is it possible for one of these Eldrazified people to have their spark awaken and become a Planeswalker? Seems like a neat way to keep 'em relevant, be having a Planeswalker determined to revive them. Also, any idea where is the story going from here? I'm honestly not sure. We know she was able to get into Jace's head so I'm assuming planeswalkers CAN be mutated by her. Though I think they just become a part of her, like how the other broods were, so if she gets trapped on Innistrad and they planeswalker away they might be restored. No idea where the story is going. I'm actually really curious what narrative reason they give for Chandra going back home. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cardgameking Posted July 15, 2016 Report Share Posted July 15, 2016 I'm honestly not sure. We know she was able to get into Jace's head so I'm assuming planeswalkers CAN be mutated by her. Though I think they just become a part of her, like how the other broods were, so if she gets trapped on Innistrad and they planeswalker away they might be restored. No idea where the story is going. I'm actually really curious what narrative reason they give for Chandra going back home.I mean, are all the Eldrazi in Zendikar killed off? Speaking of which, how would you even kill an entity like an Eldrazi titan? They don't seem the best at recognising reality, so who says they've to accept death?I kinda want to see a giant ghost Ulamog or something now.I'm curious if the Eldrazi themselves could become Planeswalkers, as in could their brood have a spark? Are their brood sentient? Hell, how do we know that the guys we think are Eldrazi titans (Ulamog, Emmy and co.) are just Planeswalkers, even older then Ugin, who had a run in with a true Lovecraftian Eldrazi and were corrupted? Ugin moved beyond coloured mana, maybe they did as well?What is Chandra's home plane like? Something interesting is bound to happen; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flame Dragon Posted July 15, 2016 Report Share Posted July 15, 2016 I mean, are all the Eldrazi in Zendikar killed off? Speaking of which, how would you even kill an entity like an Eldrazi titan? They don't seem the best at recognising reality, so who says they've to accept death? I kinda want to see a giant ghost Ulamog or something now. I'm curious if the Eldrazi themselves could become Planeswalkers, as in could their brood have a spark? Are their brood sentient? Hell, how do we know that the guys we think are Eldrazi titans (Ulamog, Emmy and co.) are just Planeswalkers, even older then Ugin, who had a run in with a true Lovecraftian Eldrazi and were corrupted? Ugin moved beyond coloured mana, maybe they did as well? What is Chandra's home plane like? Something interesting is bound to happen; We know after Kozilek and Ulamog were blown up they had remaining members of their brood running around still, but the numbers basically hit zero. They haven't really explained if the titans can be killed killed, but when they were blown up the Gatewatch used Zendikar to pull in their physical forms onto the plane. Eldrazi can't be planeswalker since the whole special thing about a planeswalker is a normal ability for the titans. The broods are just extensions of them. Think your fingers. More or less word of god (WotC) is that the Eldrazi are beings from the Blind Eternities and only 3 exist. Chandra's home is steam punk with an India influence. You can see some of it in Magic Origins. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Delibirb Posted July 15, 2016 Report Share Posted July 15, 2016 We know after Kozilek and Ulamog were blown up they had remaining members of their brood running around still, but the numbers basically hit zero. They haven't really explained if the titans can be killed killed, but when they were blown up the Gatewatch used Zendikar to pull in their physical forms onto the plane. Eldrazi can't be planeswalker since the whole special thing about a planeswalker is a normal ability for the titans. The broods are just extensions of them. Think your fingers. More or less word of god (WotC) is that the Eldrazi are beings from the Blind Eternities and only 3 exist. Chandra's home is steam punk with an India influence. You can see some of it in Magic Origins.94% certain we have no official confirmation that only 3 Eldrazi Titans exist, in fact iirc the possibility of more being out there is left vague and open when discussing them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Rai Posted July 15, 2016 Author Report Share Posted July 15, 2016 94% certain we have no official confirmation that only 3 Eldrazi Titans exist, in fact iirc the possibility of more being out there is left vague and open when discussing them. Indeed, although the Eldrazi storyline is likely on the backburner for quite a while. Dealing with the only three titans we know about was a way to move towards other plot threads. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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