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This is my 3st contest.

and you can PM me if you got some subjects(dragons, spellcaster..) that i can use in my next contest

I take reqvest:D


when you enter you leave a pic here.

Not a small on!

and when I get 20 people or more i will mix the pics and you all shall creat a card with the pic.

I willl PM the pics.

Also you should include that any images submitted should be credited.

I will give you to 20th April to enter a pic!

Then i you have 5 days to the 30th April to creat a card!


This contest ends 30th April!






1. If you dont Enter a pic you disqualified!

2. If your to late with the card your disqualified!

3. If you have enterd a card or a pic your not allowed to edit on it!

4. No spam!

5. read the all the text!


If its more rules i should have PM me.


1st. 3rep

2st. 2rep

3st. 1rep


OCG - 20%

Originality - 30%

Picture - 10%

My Personal Rating - 10%

Effect - 20%

Follows a Theme - 5%

Name - 5%


Must the best card win!:)


Enterys with pic:

1. Frlf

2. Ultimateryan

3. Devil-Chronos Dj

4. Shadowseer

5. Jz82

6. kakashi4eva

7. Enigma Zero

8. _j4

9. Hunterb

10. joemilk

11. FiRaven


Winner is FiRaven!

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