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[INOV] Ciphers

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Cipher Bit
Normal Trap
(1) Target 1 “Galaxy-Eyes” or “Cipher” Xyz Monster you control; attach this card to it as Xyz Material, and if you do, that monster cannot be destroyed by battle or card effect once for the rest of this turn.


Double Cipher
Normal Trap
(1) If your opponent controls the monster with the highest ATK on the field: Target 1 “Galaxy-Eyes” or “Cipher” Xyz Monster you control that has Xyz Material; detach all Xyz Material from it, and if you do, Special Summon 1 monster with the same name as that target from your Extra Deck.

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Ciphers, remaining resolutely boring and dull!


In all seriousness, Bit is okay, but Double only works with Galaxy-Eyes, and most of the time when your opponent has something higher than 3000 is Dark Rebellion or (more likely) UTL, which this card does nothing against (UTL, that is).

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I am looking for the day when Cipher have more monsters and at least 1 Rank 4 (you know to actually have a play with Cipher Twin Raptor if you don't have Cipher Wing at a convenient time?)... Why are they getting shrivels of garbage support that doesn't make them a well established archetype? They remind me faintly of Butterspy...

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Ohey more Galaxy/Photon support that doesn't work until after you've made big plays (Galactic Charity, Tachyon Transmigration, lookin atchu)


To be fair, Tachyon Transmigration works with any Galaxy-Eyes, not just the Xyz, so Photon Dragon is still happy.


But yeah...these are annoying. Bit is...too slow. It's protection, but it's lousy protection, because it only works on Galaxy-Eyes Xyz (and Cipher, if they ever get non-Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Xyz).


Double would be cool...um...if it wasn't so terrible.


See, Galaxy-Eyes now has so many Xyz that you don't really have room for multiple copies of them. There's:


- Tachyon Dragon

- Neo Tachyon (optional as hell)

- Neo Photon Dragon

- Full Armor

- Dark Matter

- Prime Photon

- Cipher Dragon

- Cipher Blade


So 7-8 slots taken up in a 15 card Extra Deck. And Rank 8s have solid stuff like Felgrand and such to further help out in a variety of situations. That's assuming you're only running 1 copy of each of those. Your Extra is even more filled if you're running multiple copies of the good stuff, like Cipher.


And your opponent needs the strongest monster on the Field. Look at the above list again.


Tachyon ATK: 3000

Neo Tachyon ATK: 4500

Neo Galaxy ATK: 4500

Cipher Dragon: 3000

Full Armor: 4000

Dark Matter: 4000

Prime Photon: 4000

Cipher Blade: 3200


Yeah. Not a single one has under 3000 ATK. And some of them have effects that help remedy instances where they are outgunned. Tachyon removes ATK buffs and can sometimes gain ATK to swing over stuff. Prime Photon is nearly unkillable in battle with anything under 6000 ATK. Neo Galaxy-Eyes is only Summoned if you're going to win. Full Armor kills monsters. Dark Matter is usually Summoned to win the game that turn. Cipher Blade is a weirdo Full Armor.


So you detach its Materials to Summon that unlikely second copy from your Extra. Yeah...um...your opponent still has the stronger monster. I know it's to combo with Cipher Interfere, but god this card is just dumb. You're almost never going to use it. Ever. Run something less conditional.

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... or (more likely) UTL, which this card does nothing against (UTL, that is).


Er... isn't UtL's ATK boost temporary and only active during times when you can't activate cards or effects anyway?  Double wouldn't be able to activate then...

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Er... isn't UtL's ATK boost temporary and only active during times when you can't activate cards or effects anyway?  Double wouldn't be able to activate then...


Hence why I said this card does nothing against it. Hence why it's bad.

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Double would be cool...um...if it wasn't so terrible.


See, Galaxy-Eyes now has so many Xyz that you don't really have room for multiple copies of them. There's:


- Tachyon Dragon

- Neo Tachyon (optional as hell)

- Neo Photon Dragon

- Full Armor

- Dark Matter

- Prime Photon

- Cipher Dragon

- Cipher Blade


So 7-8 slots taken up in a 15 card Extra Deck. And Rank 8s have solid stuff like Felgrand and such to further help out in a variety of situations. That's assuming you're only running 1 copy of each of those. Your Extra is even more filled if you're running multiple copies of the good stuff, like Cipher.


And your opponent needs the strongest monster on the Field. Look at the above list again.


Tachyon ATK: 3000

Neo Tachyon ATK: 4500

Neo Galaxy ATK: 4500

Cipher Dragon: 3000

Full Armor: 4000

Dark Matter: 4000

Prime Photon: 4000

Cipher Blade: 3200


Yeah. Not a single one has under 3000 ATK. And some of them have effects that help remedy instances where they are outgunned. Tachyon removes ATK buffs and can sometimes gain ATK to swing over stuff. Prime Photon is nearly unkillable in battle with anything under 6000 ATK. Neo Galaxy-Eyes is only Summoned if you're going to win. Full Armor kills monsters. Dark Matter is usually Summoned to win the game that turn. Cipher Blade is a weirdo Full Armor.


So you detach its Materials to Summon that unlikely second copy from your Extra. Yeah...um...your opponent still has the stronger monster. I know it's to combo with Cipher Interfere, but god this card is just dumb. You're almost never going to use it. Ever. Run something less conditional.

I imagine they wanted to avoid making it a walking OTK given what they allowed Galaxy-Eyes to do, but if that was the case they should have chose another restriction.

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