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Sauravis, the Crowned Ancient Sage + Fairy's Blessing

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Fairy’s Blessing
Ritual Spell
(Contract with the Abyss for LIGHT Ritual Monsters)


Koseitai Sauravis / Sauravis, the Crowned Ancient Sage
Light Dragon / Ritual / Effect LV7 2600/2800
You can Ritual Summon this card with “Fairy’s Blessing”. (1) When your opponent activates a card or effect that targets a monster(s) you control: You can discard this card; negate that activation. (2) If your opponent would Special Summon a monster(s): You can return this card on the field to the hand; negate that Special Summon, and if you do, banish it.

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For those who may not know, Fairy's Blessing will look like this:


This card can be used to Ritual Summon any LIGHT Ritual Monster. You must also Tribute monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels exactly equal the Level of the Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon.

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So here's a thought....


Fairy's Blessing is LIGHT

Earth Chant is EARTH

Contract with the Abyss is DARK


And as of now, only Fairy's Blessing has a specific monster to go with it.

So come on, Konami, finish this set =D




If I had a dollar for everything they have either abandoned or still need to finish, I probably wouldn't need to be in college.

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Nevertheless it seems kinda good for Cyber Angels...


If by "it" you were talking about the Ritual Spell, then I can dig it.  Even though there's quite a few ways of searching the right ritual spell, it might be good to have an all-purpose ritual for them and any techs you happen to be running in the deck (Herald, Saffira, Bird Vene, etc.)

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1st effect: Negates but doesn't remove and requires a discard of two. Not as useful as it could have been.


2nd effect: Negates a Summon and banishes at the cost of returning to the hand. Damning if you don't have another Ritual Spell Card, but practical nonetheless.


Though, what would be the ideal Deck for this?

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The Ritual is pretty useful. Stops Castel, which is always awesome, as well as many other things like Dark Destroyer's pop effect. The second effect is pretty strong as well, especially against Pendulum decks, as is fun T1 play. Also, the lack of OPT on either of those effects opens up possibilities...

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