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~The Heartless~

The Ruby

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This will be my first thread to ever open here in this section...


it's the start of my new card set's...


The entire set will be based off of Kingdom Hearts...


and this Sub-Set will be included...


Heres My first card, i will post more as i make them...



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Hmmm. Well the image is great and goes well with the card. Your OCG is quite wrong it should be like this:

When "Shadow" is destroyed as a result of battle, Special Summon 1 "Heartless" Type Monster from your deck with an equal level to the attacking Monster. Whenever "Shadow" is in your Graveyard and a "Heartless" Type Monster destroyes a monster in battle, then that monster is removed from play.


Things To Improve:

-Fix your OCG errors


I gove this card a 7/10. It just needs a few tweaks.

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