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[SPDS] Abyss Actor Pendulums

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Makai Gekidan – Funky Comedian / Abyss Actor – Funky Comedian
Level 1 DARK Fiend-Type Pendulum Effect Monster
ATK 300
DEF 200
Pendulum Scale: 8
Pendulum Effect:
(1) Once per turn: You can Tribute 1 “Abyss Actor” monster, then target 1 “Abyss Actor” monster you control; it gains ATK equal to the original ATK of the Tributed monster.
Monster Effect: You can only use the (2) effect of “Abyss Actor – Funky Comedian” once per turn, and this card cannot attack during the turn you activate it.
(1) If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can have this card gain 300 ATK for each “Abyss Actor” monster you control until the end of this turn.
(2) You can target 1 other “Abyss Actor” monster you control; it gains ATK equal to this card’s current ATK until the end of this turn.
Makai Gekidan – Devil Heel / Abyss Actor – Evil Heel
Level 8 DARK Fiend-Type Pendulum Effect Monster
ATK 3000
DEF 2000
Pendulum Scale: 1
Pendulum Effect:
(1): Once per turn: You can tribute 1 “Abyss Actor” monster you control to target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; that monster loses ATK equal to the tributed monster’s original ATK, until the end of this turn.
Monster Effect:
(1): If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; that monster loses 1000 ATK for each “Abyss Actor” monster you control, until the end of this turn.
(2): When this card destroys an opponent’s monster by battle: You can target 1 “Abyss Script” Spell Card in your Graveyard; Set it on your side of the field.


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So right away: The ATK change is PERMANENT, guys.


Real nice monster effect on Devil Heel, though who knows how likely you are to actually summon it.


I've been excited for these guys for a while, and I'm glad we're finally getting them. Pretty pleased with how they are so far, lets see where the rest of them go.

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