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PK Fire Discussion

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(Creation)Phoenix: i once saw a pk fire player who didnt play graff cuz its "cloggy!

DuelingDolphin: does Maxx "C" negate Pot of Duality?

(Creation)Phoenix: and he ran dante at 2...

DuelingDolphin: yeah PK Fire only really needs 2 Dante

DuelingDolphin: he had that part right

(Creation)Phoenix: oh yeha the guy also ran 2 of th epk monster

(Creation)Phoenix: but 3 wings

(Creation)Phoenix: 2 fog blade

(Creation)Phoenix: and 2 of the sword

DuelingDolphin: 2 breaksword is the right ratio

DuelingDolphin: the traps ratio is very off

DuelingDolphin: only 3 fogblade is needed

DuelingDolphin: along with 3 boots 2 cloak 1 gloves

DuelingDolphin: anymore and you get marginal returns from the engine in exchange for lowered consistency

(Creation)Phoenix: meh i prefer the 3 of all pk;s

(Creation)Phoenix: 1 wings

(Creation)Phoenix: and one of thesword

DuelingDolphin: the majority of the PKs are dead without Boots

DuelingDolphin: and while milling them off Dante can be productive to an extent milling BAs has a much better impact.

(Creation)Phoenix: meh tbh i leaned to listen your opinons lol

(Creation)Phoenix: i just got rekt by stygan!

DuelingDolphin: Stygian is meh

DuelingDolphin: Mischief of the Gnomes is a much better card.

(Creation)Phoenix: but moost decks oonly run 2 twins and one in the side

(Creation)Phoenix: so the would have a 1 in 20 chance of haviing it

DuelingDolphin: ??????????

DuelingDolphin: you main the 3 twisters

(Creation)Phoenix: the out to stygian

(Creation)Phoenix: no i main 2

DuelingDolphin: -_-

(Creation)Phoenix: cuz i opened 3 twins a lot

(Creation)Phoenix: n dn anway

DuelingDolphin: ..

(Creation)Phoenix: on devpro i run 3

DuelingDolphin: dn is not an adequete place to do test hand

DuelingDolphin: but even then

(Creation)Phoenix: but the dn shuffling system is s***

DuelingDolphin: the chance of opening that hand is like 1%

(Creation)Phoenix: happened to me 8 tiimes...

(Creation)Phoenix: once in a wat

(Creation)Phoenix: war

(Creation)Phoenix: and 7 times in unranked

(Creation)Phoenix: finaly i got the dn sleeves!

DuelingDolphin: meh sleeves

(Creation)Phoenix: you   are sooooooo boring and negative

(Creation)Phoenix: life jesus ighten up

DuelingDolphin: ?

DuelingDolphin: I'm not usually the happygolucky guy

(Creation)Phoenix: its always "meh" or something like "my deck is better than yours becuase..."

(Creation)Phoenix: not in those words

DuelingDolphin: ?

(Creation)Phoenix: but the genrally feeling

DuelingDolphin: I never said your deck was bad did I?

DuelingDolphin: I gave what I thought was the better ratio to improve it.

DuelingDolphin: how is that saying my deck is better?

DuelingDolphin: if that's how you look at it then ok qq

(Creation)Phoenix: the S00   deck

(Creation)Phoenix: i have seen your pk deck profile

(Creation)Phoenix: and alich?

(Creation)Phoenix: really?

DuelingDolphin: you put it over beatrice and gain value in the monarch matchup.

DuelingDolphin: Alich forces awkward pilot tagouts

DuelingDolphin: Alich in the mirror negs Break Sword

DuelingDolphin: negs Terrortop

DuelingDolphin: well not terrortop

DuelingDolphin: mb

(Creation)Phoenix: alich is "meh"

DuelingDolphin: alich is the worst utility card in the deck

DuelingDolphin: doesn't mean it should not be run as it still has considerable merit in certain matchups

(Creation)Phoenix: if your putting cards in for certain matchup that limits your deck

DuelingDolphin: and having something that is not farfa gives you 2 disruptions

DuelingDolphin: "limits"?

DuelingDolphin: you give yourself an extra BA name to SS

DuelingDolphin: how is that limiting?

(Creation)Phoenix: there are better ba's tehn alich

DuelingDolphin: so?

DuelingDolphin: Farfa is one disruption?

(Creation)Phoenix: then you run 2 of it

DuelingDolphin: most can play through 1 farfa easily.

DuelingDolphin: and then hit over Beatrice or bait it out

DuelingDolphin: Alich gives the first response without devoting to Farfa

(Creation)Phoenix: alich is better in the kozmo mathcup and thats it

DuelingDolphin: Alich can neg Edea Eidos is anyone is still running that

(Creation)Phoenix: lots of peple

DuelingDolphin: it has applications when facing the mirror

(Creation)Phoenix: again in the mnarch matchup

(Creation)Phoenix: mirror match can be solved with flying "C"'s

DuelingDolphin: you don't run Flying "C" for the mirror.

DuelingDolphin: You run Winter Cherries for the mirror.

DuelingDolphin: other decks can't afford the cherries

DuelingDolphin: BAPK need it to dynamically change the matchup as a whole.

DuelingDolphin: the BA mirror is a long dragout

(Creation)Phoenix: you can play thoruh cherries

DuelingDolphin: Winter Cherries forces games to end early so people won't go into time

DuelingDolphin: people play through Flying "C" much easier

DuelingDolphin: you still have access to Vanity's Fiend

(Creation)Phoenix: i llike "C" mire cuz at the right time ot causes more disruption

DuelingDolphin: Cherries wins the mirror outright

DuelingDolphin: BA with Dante has a considerable advantage over one that does not

DuelingDolphin: and if both open cherries it shortens game length to prevent going into time where barbar is the final say

DuelingDolphin: ohwait forget about the going into time argument

DuelingDolphin: this isn't rl

DuelingDolphin: tho it should be enforced on dn

(Creation)Phoenix: 'ight you like cherries i like flying keep it at thaty

(Creation)Phoenix: but the doesnt prove your argument on allich

DuelingDolphin: kk

(Creation)Phoenix: it is good in 2 match-ups

DuelingDolphin: well, I gave my reasoning on Alich, you never directly refuted it

DuelingDolphin: you only can say Alich is bad when the utility is has is either redundant or not needed

(Creation)Phoenix: my readson for not running it was that 2 farfa gives for versatility in more matches

DuelingDolphin: I also run 2 Farfa

(Creation)Phoenix: alcih is good in maths

DuelingDolphin: maths?

DuelingDolphin: is that your term for theory?

(Creation)Phoenix: matches

DuelingDolphin: oh

(Creation)Phoenix: 2

(Creation)Phoenix: 2 matches

DuelingDolphin: so, you have not only said statements that have enforced my statements, you disagree with me because it only helps in 2 of the most prominent matchups for the deck?

DuelingDolphin: One being strictly the most popular one?

DuelingDolphin: um

DuelingDolphin: wha

(Creation)Phoenix: my point is that running a card for certain matchups on dn is not smart

DuelingDolphin: You never directly refuted my Alich interactions and its usages

DuelingDolphin: and Alich is more than just meta

(Creation)Phoenix: i rarely see monarcsh on here

(Creation)Phoenix: kkozmo is faar more common

(Creation)Phoenix: whenre alich is dead

DuelingDolphin: Alich forces the Dark Lady or CDI negation

(Creation)Phoenix: not really

DuelingDolphin: it establishes Chain Links that protect Graff and Cir

(Creation)Phoenix: so does farfa

DuelingDolphin: and Farfa is better used for actually removing threats.

(Creation)Phoenix: alich is dead against kozmo cuz its targetting

DuelingDolphin: and if Farfa and Alich are both removed it also adds another layer that removes BOTH Lady and CDI

(Creation)Phoenix: and they can just bansh the pilot for the ship in ahnd

DuelingDolphin: that's the point.

DuelingDolphin: it forces awkward tagouts

DuelingDolphin: from Strawman

DuelingDolphin: Soartroopers

DuelingDolphin: Tincan

(Creation)Phoenix: so does farfa!!!!!!

DuelingDolphin: and again, having a second Farfa you can resolve on the same turn is not bad

DuelingDolphin: you need 2 disruptions

(Creation)Phoenix: fog blade

DuelingDolphin: not only to manipulate chain links but to add a second layer aside from fogblade and veiler and farfa

DuelingDolphin: Fog Blade is not a BA name you can summon.

(Creation)Phoenix: with all of that the one alich wastes space and beatrice materal

(Creation)Phoenix: but it does help witht eh pk enginee

(Creation)Phoenix: so arguably it as useful

DuelingDolphin: An Alich on Beatrice does a lot in the Monarch MU

DuelingDolphin: it stops Ehther summoning Kuraz

(Creation)Phoenix: gain back to my argument of monarchs are rare on dn

DuelingDolphin: .....and?

DuelingDolphin: the deck is undisputably one of the hardest matchups for the deck

(Creation)Phoenix: as you said you dont play things on dn for realism

(Creation)Phoenix: kozmo is also hard af

DuelingDolphin: you are saying to not main natural outs to a specific matchup that also advance your gamestate because said deck is not common?

DuelingDolphin: and I already gave my reasons for Alich having implications vs Kozmo

(Creation)Phoenix: it doesnt advance your game state

DuelingDolphin: it's a BA name

DuelingDolphin: all BAs advance gamestate in one way or other

DuelingDolphin: it is fodder for beatrice

(Creation)Phoenix: then run calcab

DuelingDolphin: I do

DuelingDolphin: I run 1 Calcab

(Creation)Phoenix: why!?

(Creation)Phoenix: you run 9 ba's right?

DuelingDolphin: 13

DuelingDolphin: along with 6 PKs

DuelingDolphin: 5 instadantes

DuelingDolphin: and 5 handtraps

(Creation)Phoenix: ok welp i am done i have one this

(Creation)Phoenix: thanks for playing!

DuelingDolphin: You have done NOTHING to refute my poits.

DuelingDolphin: points.

DuelingDolphin: at all.

(Creation)Phoenix: no you jsut told me your ba's + pk's ratio

DuelingDolphin: You have brought in anecdotal evidence like "no one runs Monarchs" here.

(Creation)Phoenix: i ahve nothing to say to those ratio's

DuelingDolphin: that's the shittiest argument I have ever heard.

(Creation)Phoenix: there just bad

DuelingDolphin: lol



kk I'm done.


Anyways, let's talk about PK Fire theory and how to improve on it's already existing interactions, k? xd

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As an owner of PK Fire IRL and knowing all the problems of ratios and techs, this guy gives me all the cringe.


If he didn't want to run Alich, he could have just explained that aside from only Farfa, there were other better options to fit or if he actually had anecdotal evidence from testing. And the fact that he was adamant about the PK ratios...3 of every PK...*hnng*...


But putting that aside, PK Fire IMO is the best contender for the TCG metagame onwards due to the fact that it's extremely versatile when it comes to survival, has lots of combo potential with Leviairs/Break Swords/Tops, and is able to run a fair variety of techs including side options. But specifically, their cornerstone strengths come from natural disruptor cards like Alich, Calcab, and Farfa and the ever-so useful Beatrice, whom can use their effects during either player's turn, being able to manipulate chain orders, being able to float continuously disregarding current hand advantage, and also being able to do multiple fragmented plays between BA and PK in the case of mirror match disruption, Monarchs, or Veiler.


I've been teching x2 Chaos Trap Hole and it's been working pretty well against almost every other matchup. Though there are notable weaknesses when PKs can clog and cause a huge divide in fragmentation, that's when you cannot afford being Maxx "C"'d, Veiler'd or Dweller'd or anything else of the like. But I still love the deck due to the fact that nothing is definitely linear due to the Dante mill luck factor and you need to manage your resources as well as you would for something like Kozmo.

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