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random stuff about YGO


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Warning has had several reprints, and its Limited status severely reduces the demand that would otherwise jack up the price. Solemn Strike has only been printed in BOSH, and as a Secret to boot, reducing the potential supply of Strike available and jacking up the price for those willing to run it.

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It's always entertaining to see the value and change of YGO economics.  The last time I played and I wasn't online, Warning went for 50 bucks a pop.  And that wasn't long ago.  But the ban list changes so quickly that value's can rocket and plummet over night.

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Still remembering the times when Nekroz cost more than a year's worth of collegiate textbooks at their prime (+$1000); ban list hit them hard and they're way cheaper now.


Then again, Eccentrick used to be expensive as hell (as in $70+), but now you can get them easily in the 2016 starter [if you buy the whole Deck; still $4 for that card from that particular set]. 


In terms of Air Neos, because Konami hasn't reprinted them and they're really old cards now, the price is going to stay up high. Right now, the card store I usually buy from has it at $21-26. I guess the new pack rarities will help make some of the good cards less painful for our wallets, but yeah things are still gonna be expensive regardless.


At one point, Winda (the El-Shaddoll one) was going for $30; now it's only worth $5 (rip the one copy I have in binder) because reprint. At least Pendulum Sorcerer's still worth around $20 right now. 


(Now to wait until 'specters get reprinted in a couple months; I wanted to play the Deck but the rarity levels went up a lot and cost more than $10/each [think Raccoon was around 40-50 at dealership; know I made a status about it at one point])

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In terms of Air Neos, because Konami hasn't reprinted them and they're really old cards now, the price is going to stay up high. Right now, the card store I usually buy from has it at $21-26. I guess the new pack rarities will help make some of the good cards less painful for our wallets, but yeah things are still gonna be expensive regardless.


i mean, i can get much older, much rarer, and much better cards for cheaper.

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